Remove TJ Brown from his position of authority

Truth Seeker NM

/ #63 Re: Re:

2014-04-23 22:07

#61: Joshua Calder - Re:

So this guy who was by law old enough to make the decision to have consenting sexual relations but lied about his age anyways, is considered the weak and "innocent"? This man that is being accused of being a predator is not. He is a victim of a liar and his misleading instincts. Yes, he should have looked more closely into it but his mistake was that he did not. Josh, we all make mistakes. Some of us don't check potential sex partners ID's and some of us get on our motorcycles drunk. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Only one of those mistakes could endanger the lives of those weak and innocent citizens out there.

Your argument is falling apart Josh.