Remove TJ Brown from his position of authority


/ #122 Sgt. Brown has done no wrong!!!

2014-04-25 05:55

No were in Farmington's investiagtion does it say that, Sgt. Brown used his police recources to locate this person. Sgt. Brown has been cleared from anywrong doing by three different departments. No warrants were issused, and Sgt. Brown, was never charged with any crime. New Mexico law clearly states, that the age of conscent is 16. It doesn't matter if one person is 16 and the other is 90. As long as both parties agree It's legal. I for one would never sleep with anyone younger than 18. Everyone has different morals. I feel that Sgt. Brown trusted this person. Does anyone know what this person looked like? Looks can be deceiving. Theirs alot of people in this world that look older, than they really are. Every cop I know or have heard of always uses their recources to investigate people they have met. That is wrong for a cop to do. Sgt. Brown did not use his recources. I for one know and so do all other officers know that using you're police recources is againts policy. I do not understand why Bloomfield P.D. (K-9) officer Josh is posting lies about Sgt. Brown. I have lived in this are all my life. This all comes down to Josh and the upper brass in Bloomfield P.D. hating gays. Josh is upset because Sgt. Brown was cleared of doing no wrong and that he is gay. Almost every officer in Bloomfiled hates gays. I have never heard of one person talk bad about Sgt. Brown's performance as an officer. The citizens (especially Josh) should be more concerned about all the corrupted officals in the P.D. and city. I dont understand how the Lt. can have all these DV complaints and still have his job. It's obvious to me that the Lt. is beating his wife. He hasn't been charged, for the other officers are looking the other way. Thats just my opinion. Why does he get to take his cop car to his second job at Autozone. I personally have seen his cop car there while he is working at Autozone. That should not be allowed. That is a waste of are taxe payers money. Not to mention, Im not sure about the present, but I know that in the past the Lt's wife was on drugs. Tons of people know that the Cheif is dirty. Missing hand guns and ammo. That should never happen in any department. I could name much more, but what good would that do. I hope the Feds investigate the cheif, and all other brass and city council members. Maybe we should start a petition to investigate the city of Bloomfiled and the P.D.