Developmentally Challenged have been denied access to services


/ #48

2014-10-17 14:55

is there no heart left anywhere in politics now a days. my scenario: strange that this handi transit should be refused to certain individuals at this time during the election campaign. what better area than the challenged to get attention and rising anger from the public. one person(s) takes this away and lets see just how long it takes a candidate or two to step up to the plate and say 'hey, i will fix this problem' votes galore. to those responsible for having this service removed from the every day routine of the challenged...shame on you. this is just one more notch in a belt...also recognized as BULLYING!!. more respect would come if you protected those unable to protect themselves, rather than kick them to the curb...then go back and take their ice cream cone away from them as well. it's all about choices. to those who 'choose' to be's all part of your ego trip. to those who stand up and make sure those who can't stand up for themselves, are heard...many kudos. one last comment on choice...being challenged is NOT a choice, being a BULLY is!!...thank you shirley mclean