Developmentally Challenged have been denied access to services

Leaving Scudzbury Soon

/ #57

2014-10-17 16:39

Ah yes, the not so great greater shitty of scudzbury onterrible strikes again. I can hardly believe that they actually expect us to take pride in this shitty. I have a disability. You can't see it on the outside, and I am fortunate enough to not rely on this farce of a clowncil or its transportation department to get around here. But if I ever do, I'm secure in the knowledge that it won't be available to me. Believe me, taking the bus is a challenge for me some days when I'm having a bad day or when I haven't slept for a few weeks due to PTSD. The transit system is supposed to be for all people to be able to access, and the ones who use handitransit are no different in their right to access public transportation. This more recent bullshit move on the part of shitty clowncil and the transit department are yet further evidence that this place is not fit for human residency and ought to be either demolished or retrofitted to accommodate all people who reside here. These clowns really need to give their heads a shake and stop robbing the citizenry of their sense of independence.