Developmentally Challenged have been denied access to services

It doesn't matter

/ #142 Re:

2014-10-19 13:46

#2: -  

 Totally agreed.  Last time I check these are all listed in the DSM 5, which is, for lack of a better term "the bible" when dealing with illness'.  Whether they are mental or physical, to discriminate against such a major part of this community is a crying shame.  But hey, lets keep trying things to slow down traffic in the southend, or lets keep wasting money on all kinds of research as to which is the best way to spend important needed money, in the most ridiculous way.  If you ask me, with elections around the corner, I vote no confidence in any of our councillors, as well as mayoral candidates.  But thats just my opinion.


one p-o'd and disappointed sudburian