Developmentally Challenged have been denied access to services


/ #160 Restricting access to Sudbury's handicap transit services

2014-10-20 16:55

The people making these decisions need to spend a day shadowing one of these individuals.   For some people living with mental illness, autism, intellectual impairments, etc., riding a city bus is a very stressful experience.  They generally are more easily frustrated than the average person and have more difficulty coping with sensory stimulus such as noise, especially when the bus is crowded.  Add to that the anxiety of having to remember which stop they need to get off at, the people who stare at them and the people they hear making fun of them.  I wouldn't want to leave the house if I had to deal with that every day.  It is essential for these individuals to have access to handicap services to enable them reach their full potential as human beings and live happy lives.  In my opinion it is cruel of city officials to  deny them access to transit.  Every human being has the right to be happy and reach their full potential.  We also have the responsibility to enable other to do so.