PETITION: We the people of South Africa want Jacob Zuma to step down



2015-12-12 19:15

I'm sick n tired of Zuma he's leadind the South Africans like he's leading his livestock Zuma is taking S.A down the drain I'm also tired about the leadership of City of Tshwane



2015-12-12 19:17

There is no accountability in this government



2015-12-12 19:19

He does not deserve to be president, he should be behind bars for all his wrong doings.



2015-12-12 19:26

I totally agree with everything said on this petition.



2015-12-12 19:28

Having lived in RSA for 18 yrs ( 1980 - 1998 ) I am most saddened that the Country is not being managed by Zuma and it appears to be going downhill fast - Even with the Gold and Diamond and other Mineral Resources - the Economy is being mismanaged by an Idiot who I believe AIDS is an infection invented by the White European Community - Bloody sad state of Affairs - boot the Halfwit out and instal Cyril Ramaposa !!



2015-12-12 19:30

Let's stand together and make a difference for the future of our Kids, we need this man out now before he matures into a fully fledged dictator



2015-12-12 19:30

I signed this petition because i love my rand i dont want to use other currencies because of rand has fallen so #Zumamustfall



2015-12-12 19:30

Since Zumba is president everything is mess more crime less jobs electricity problems more corruption the list is endless cause Jacob is not even an example so how can we have someone like him as a leader



2015-12-12 19:31

Why did you sign this petition?tired of zuma and his stupid decision-making that cost the country dearly



2015-12-12 19:32

Zuma has defrauded the people of South Africa.



2015-12-12 19:32

I want Zuma to step down



2015-12-12 19:38

Because Zuma is killing this Country. He does not know how to lead the right way. He appoints the wrong people. He lies. I can write a book of all the things he does wrong. Take him out please... Nothing will be left of this country



2015-12-12 19:38

Zuma must step down. Finish and klaar



2015-12-12 19:39

Zuma is an ashl, he knows it himself



2015-12-12 19:40

Sick and tired of corruption people dying from Hunger



2015-12-12 19:40

Because our country deserves better



2015-12-12 19:42

South African citzens deserve better than Zuma



2015-12-12 19:47

Sign the petition. Let our country stand together. Think of our children. This is not something you want to do, this is something WE MUST DO!!!!@



2015-12-12 19:48

Zuma must fall, he is now lost.



2015-12-12 19:49

Facebook is powerful! Let's use it to show zuma how he's ruining our country more each day he is in office! Stop him from laughing at us once and for all!



2015-12-12 19:50

Too much negativity time for fresh ideas viva anc


2015-12-12 19:50

It is time to get rid of this ignorant greedy, non caring for country and his people idiot of a president 



2015-12-12 19:52

I am standing with my fellow South Africans against Jacob Zuma. He must go because he and his ANC are ruining the country. it will become another Zimbabwe where only Robert Mugabe and his cabinet have money and the rest of the country has been reduced to nothing.



2015-12-12 19:52

Im sick and tired of his corrupt manners and the way he turns the blind eye!



2015-12-12 19:55

Zuma has shown over and over again that his a failure and self serving man who has no moral compass what so ever on top of all that he has a nerve to laugh at us.