Mecca Disaster فاجعه سرزمین منا

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Mecca Disaster فاجعه سرزمین منا.



2015-10-10 09:56

To: Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon
United Nations Headquarters

To the honorable United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon,

Your Excellency,

We are writing this to you in the name of thousands of pilgrims in Mecca who lost their lives on Hajj rituals.

We, the Iranians, from different social section including; artists, veterans, educators, students and athletes declare our sympathy and support to survivors of Hajj stampede. This disaster happened on the biggest annual Islamic event in Mecca and therefore; it merit attentiveness and observations.

Consequently, we would request your immediate attention on this specific matter with the hope that by your scrutiny and assistance such tragedies would not occur any more in the future.

Undoubtedly, immediate attention to this matter is the least it could be done in accordance of the value of humanity beings lives and security from the United Nations, concerning the motto of this year's International Day of Peace motto by the United Nations "Partnership for Peace, Dignity for All".

We hope such disasters won't happen again for the human beings regardless their race, nationality, religion and beliefs.

Sincerely yours,



2015-10-10 09:56

According to the Koran, Mecca shelter of God. Everyone should be safe to take shelter. But the betrayal of the House of Saud and the keepers of the Kaaba, which has led thousands of people died and thousands are hot. So should not be missed betrayed them.



2015-10-10 09:57

 مقامات کشور عربستان برای اینکه جامعه بین الملل  تمرکز خود را از حمله عربستان به یمن بردارند اقدام به چنین جنایت وحشتانکی زند واز قصد به چنین کاری دست زدند و فکر نمی کردندتااین حد سنگین باشد وحالا مثل گاوی که تو گل گیر کرده نمی دونن چیکار کنن




2015-10-10 09:57

This fiasco was so embarrasing for human being, we are making this world worse and worse by our arrogance, we are making here a hell out of our deeds. Please stop , stop such cruel actions lets live in a paradise not a hell ! Please stop.

#27755 thousands of pilgrims in Mecca

2015-10-10 09:57

To: Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon
United Nations Headquarters

To the honorable United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon,

Your Excellency,

We are writing this to you in the name of thousands of pilgrims in Mecca who lost their lives on Hajj rituals.

We, the Iranians, from different social section including; artists, veterans, educators, students and athletes declare our sympathy and support to survivors of Hajj stampede. This disaster happened on the biggest annual Islamic event in Mecca and therefore; it merit attentiveness and observations.

Consequently, we would request your immediate attention on this specific matter with the hope that by your scrutiny and assistance such tragedies would not occur any more in the future.

Undoubtedly, immediate attention to this matter is the least it could be done in accordance of the value of humanity beings lives and security from the United Nations, concerning the motto of this year's International Day of Peace motto by the United Nations "Partnership for Peace, Dignity for All".

We hope such disasters won't happen again for the human beings regardless their race, nationality, religion and beliefs.

Sincerely yours,



2015-10-10 09:58



2015-10-10 09:59

  واقعا جاي تاسف داره همه چيز مشكوك هست نبايد به عنوان يك حادثه ازش رد شد بايد جوابگو باشن و توضيح بدن 



2015-10-10 09:59

ما خواستار پیگیری و اشد مجازات برای عاملان این واقعه دردناک هستیم.



2015-10-10 10:00

جناب بان کی مون سلام. احتراما حسب وظیفه های سازمان ملل خواهشمندم که ضمن محکوم نمودن دولت عربستان در خصوص تلفات تعمدی مسلمانان جهان علی الخصوص ایرانیان هم وطنم ترتیبی اتخاذ فرمایید که دولت خاطی عربستان در مقابل جهان و جهانیان به عمل کریه خد اعتراف نماید و احقاق حق متوفیان نمایید.با تقدیر و تشکر از شما



2015-10-10 10:09

Lotfan residegi beshe



2015-10-10 10:12

God damn Saudi Arabia



2015-10-10 10:12

For my country 

کبری رمضانی


2015-10-10 10:13

سلام.ماخانواده ی ایثارگروجانبازاین ضایعه ی اسفناک رابه بازماندگان این حادثه ی مناتسلیت عرض میکنیم وازاقای بان کی مون ملتمسانه میخواهیم که علت بوجودامدن این حادثه راپیگیری نمایند.. باتشکر



2015-10-10 10:15

تقاضامند اجرای حق. عدالت. حقانیت



2015-10-10 10:15

Miss management has perished more than 4000 innocent lives, United Nations should not sit on its hands. As human beings we ought to help each other and not to see others suffer.


#27766 نامه ای به حقوق بشر

2015-10-10 10:15

من فک میکنم عربستان از روی عمد این فاجعه رو به بار اورد!!! متاسفم که عزیزانم رو به شکل اسف بار از دست دادم ،و به عنوان یه ایرانی قلبم به درد امد ،،از حقوق بشر خواهانم به این مصیبت حتما رسیدگی کند!!!!



2015-10-10 10:16

fair judgement for mecca disaster



2015-10-10 10:17

باید با عاملان این جنایت برخورد جدی شود...



2015-10-10 10:18

Because of freedom!


#27770 Re:

2015-10-10 10:23

#1: -  




2015-10-10 10:23

Because of dyeing 468 iranian people



2015-10-10 10:23

For this reason which the arab saodi is very jerk



2015-10-10 10:24

خواهان رسیدگی هستیم
کوتاه نمیایم



2015-10-10 10:24

Saudi Arabia is the symbol of terrorist



2015-10-10 10:26

مرگ بر عرب ها مرگ بر آمریکا و اسراییل