Social movement of Iranians کمپین مردمی ایرانیان برای جلوگیری از برداشت غیر قانونی اموال ملت ایران


#8701 آرمان فدایی راد

2016-06-15 21:18

Muslims are not terrorists and hijab is not limitation
We have security in our country and our people love their religion and do not permission to USA to interference in their cointry.

مسلمانان تروریست نیستند و حجاب محدودیت نیست

ما در کشور خود امنیت داریم و مردم ما دین شان را دوست دارندو و به آمریکا اجازه نمی دهند تا در امور کشورشان دخالت کنند



2016-06-15 21:30

سیاست کثیف سیاسیون آمریکا در انجام این اقدام بیانگر نظام سستشان است. امیدوارم این طومار برسد به دست اهلش که کند کاری. قلـــ♥ــب من این وطن است



2016-06-15 21:30

For my country
By law



2016-06-15 21:36

down with america

#8705 Somayyehazizi

2016-06-15 21:36




2016-06-15 21:40

پولو پس بدین نامردا



2016-06-15 21:40

جانم فدای ایران

mostafa khademi


2016-06-15 21:43

دزدی از مال ملت ایران بسه به جای اینکه غرامت خون 290 نفر شهید هواپیمای ساقط شده در خلیج فارس رو بدین .هنوز طلبکار هم هستین



2016-06-15 21:46

زنده باد ایران


2016-06-15 21:48

.باسلام ،امیدوارم دراین کمپین مردمی سربلندوموفق باشیم



2016-06-15 21:52

iran iran iran



2016-06-15 21:55

دزدی به این تابلویی شما بد بختها مگه نمیتونین خرج خودتونو در بیارین که ته مونده ملت ایران رو میدزدید ..بزارین ته مونده ها رو خودمون به هر کی دوس داریم بدیم..شاید هم اگه ندزدیدین به خودتون جای صدقه دادیم



2016-06-15 21:57

We iranian will win.


#8714 Re:

2016-06-15 21:58





2016-06-15 22:02

Hey America 's power and life of your government come to an end ,
 Soon after your pay will do it shamelessly .
It is clear to the world that America sponsors of terrorism is to protect its interests .



2016-06-15 22:10

Because this topic is very very important for me



2016-06-15 22:11

Social movement of Iranians to prevent US illegal logging of Iran's frozen assets

To the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon

As a group of Iranian peoples, the signatories of this declaration calls for your attention on the letter of protest wrote by our government regarding the United States court's decision on illegal loggings of two billion dollars of the Iranian assets.

We hope you intervene firmly and decisively against this action which is contrary to the international commitments.



2016-06-15 22:13

Money is the right of the Iranian people . This is America robbery


#8719 Re:

2016-06-15 22:13

#2: -  




2016-06-15 22:13

For help my country



2016-06-15 22:16

I failed the young dreams , the future obscure , concerned about the future , of you want to assign this budget to help young people , the right to give us the missing years .
مسلم حیدری از شاهرود


2016-06-15 22:17

For help to my country



2016-06-15 22:17

I failed the young dreams , the future obscure , concerned about the future , of you want to assign this budget to help young people , the right to give us the missing years .

Mona fardadi



2016-06-15 22:23

Please continue powerful



2016-06-15 22:25

Mr. Ban Iranian people need the money more than people in America.
Saudi of Yemeni children's rights violation exit blacklist the award Ban Riyadh, Saudi green light as America, Britain and Israel has attacked the oppressed people of Yemen.