Say no to cheap freight save the industry

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Say no to cheap freight save the industry.



2016-06-11 09:45

We work to live
We don't live to work.



2016-06-11 12:20

No to cheap freight



2016-06-11 12:36

No to cheaps freight !!!!!!



2016-06-11 12:39

No to cheap freight



2016-06-11 12:39

Iam a trucker



2016-06-11 12:41

Iam a trucker wife



2016-06-11 12:44

Soy camionero



2016-06-11 13:23

Be cause my family depends on one truck ...



2016-06-11 13:54

Freight rates are extremely ridiculous, brokers are keeping the money that truck drivers should be taking home for their hard work.



2016-06-11 19:10

Let's make trucking great again



2016-06-11 20:12

Because My husband is a Truck Driver and owner operator, and I have witnessed 1st hand how far it has affected us that the brokers are not regulated. I negotiate my husbands loads and do his dispatch and I have dealt with these money hungry brokers for 4 years and they want to take a lot of the trucker and carriers hard earned money. In the end the driver carries the most expenses to pay, they risk their lives and it is absolutely unfair what is going on. How low are they gonna go, before they ruin us. I say no to cheap freight and demand they be regulated.

#37 Re: Asking for transparency in freight rate too

2016-06-11 21:26

#1: -  

 BOL should show up the burden's price that the shipper is paying for transportation and show up the 10% from the brokerage. Same as we see the % taxes in our daily shopping receipts. 

Reefer guy


2016-06-12 00:09

Lets unite let form a NATIONAL TRUCKERS ASSOCIATION!!!!!!! 

That does real change with a live blog where every trucker america coment on abuse or anithing that is of concern and start dialogs.

We are not alone we drive by each other every day.

This was done before and it worked!!!!!!

Canada drivers did it and they where heard!!!!!

Truckers all over the world are doing the same thing!!!.

Everybody deserves to be on the road to happiness

Not to be pushed around, because your trying make

Living and raise a family.




2016-06-12 00:29

I am tired of this brokers robbing us out here. We are the ones that leave our family and exposed outselfs every day on this road. We get no respect from anyone out here. All I want is to make a living and provide for my family.



2016-06-12 02:27

Si se puede
Rodolfo Isaza

#41 Lets keep this going we can make a change..

2016-06-12 02:35

We have to form that National Trucker Association sound like a good idea to me. Lets get more signatures lets keep this going. We are all fed up with these brokers robbing us all we ask is for them to be fair. I wanna get some shirts and stickers that say Say no to cheap freight save the industry. That way when we on the road all around the country like we do we recruit more people to join us. Lets stick together and make a change...



2016-06-12 02:47



2016-06-12 03:33

Because we want to b heard and that the government interfere with the brokers to force them to show the right price and audit their job



2016-06-12 07:10

I support this petition. NO CHEAP FREIGHT RATES !

#45 Rey

2016-06-12 08:33

Las crisis. Provocan. unica manera de cambiar es esperanza es el mejor aliado.y si la mentira y el engano esta de moda.un pais se hunde .no avanza se detiene. Se rompe la.democracia.



2016-06-12 14:30

No mas cargas baratas y salarios bajos para los choferes.



2016-06-12 15:25

Brokers have been robbing us for years i parked my truck and sold it because there was nothing left to live on it is sad these brokers can take 30.40 or 50 percent and they dont even own a truck most of the time



2016-06-12 15:33

Es un abuso lo qie esta sucediendo con la industria de las cargas con los camiones. . Debemos todos unirnos para juntos poder lograr que se nos pague nuestro trabajo . Pasamos días. Meces en la carretera. Lejos de nuestros hijos de nuestras familias para que no les falte nada a todos los demás en sus casas . Cuando el la nuestra falta de todo. Primer el calor familiar y después lo económico porque lo que nos pagan no nos alcanza para nada.. gracias



2016-06-12 15:45

Brokers need to stop stealing from the Trucker.

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2016-06-12 18:31