Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita



2011-12-19 09:41

Уважаемые судьи! Займитесь настоящими делами и не создавайте себе дурную репутацию на скандале, который для вас будет очень плохо пахнуть. Прислушайтесь к своей совести и воздержитесь от серьезной ошибки! Оставьте в покое преданых и займитесь уголовниками!



2011-12-19 09:43

Tomsk Govt - Please stop this biased attitude. It will malign the image of your country further. Be graceful please. Thank you.



2011-12-19 09:44

притеснения духовного знания при растущей вседозволенности и деморализации общества выглядит пугающим. Вечные ценности стараются стереть, а временные и извращенные стараются выдать за истинные ценности, люди проснитесь!!



2011-12-19 09:45

Please allow Bhagavad Gita. It is for benefit of all.



2011-12-19 09:46

Good job



2011-12-19 09:46

It is ridiculous that at the time we are living one happening as that, the prohibition of Bhagavad gita as it is, is going to be prohibited in one country as Russia, one of the most important and vital contriews in the world, and we expect for the good sense of Russia government not to do it cause is just one book of religion that wants in its teachings just conduct the reader for the self realization, i appeal for the Russia governors please dont let it happen cause here, in Brazil, we love Russia and the russians and certainlly something like this will create pain for many people when think about Russia, thanks

#3757 Bhagvad Gita must not be banned

2011-12-19 09:47


Bhagvad Gita must not be banned,, Krishan is supreme persnality of Godhead- please trying to understand.. OK-- *HARE KRSNA*

Raju Y


2011-12-19 09:49

The "Bhagavadgita As It Is" is meant for humans advantage to escape from the cycle of birth and death and to go back to our original home i.e. Goloka Vrindavana. Only fortunate human beings can understand and derive the benefit. Animals, birds, amphibians etc. do not know about God and have to wait for thier turn to become humans to realise this. The Bhagavadgita As It Is is the quickest and secured medium for self-realisation and it is not meant just for Hindus as most of the people conclude it. The Bhagavadgita As It Is conveys the universal message to one and all to realise their very purpose and existence. God is One. One may call him as Krishna and others may call him as Jesus, Allah, etc. which depicts his qualities. He has got innumerable names. Without questioning themselves as "whom am I?" people are crazy after the material pleasures which ultimately result in vain and pain. The Bhagavadgita As It Is makes the men perfect in understanding the human lives. But, it is very unfortunate that innocent people are thinking to ban the holy book of Bhagavadgita As It Is! It is my ardent desire and also earnest prayer in Krsna that let him be kind enough to provide an opportunity, to the people who are thinking to ban this holy scripture, to read it once before resorting to a decision.





2011-12-19 09:49

To read religious books is everyone's birth right.



2011-12-19 09:50

It is totally baseless without any understanding. Gita teaches faith for everyone in his religion and promotes Karma Yog .



2011-12-19 09:50

If the Russian Government attempts to ban the Gita because they are worried about how it might influence the public in negative ways... then the Russian Government is really very, very, very.. stupid!  - mayesvara dasa



2011-12-19 09:51

It is over and above any religion and teaches the path of successful living.


#3763 seshi

2011-12-19 09:52

This is only book for humankind explaining how to lead a good life. don't try to teach for Indians. The Bhagavad-Gita is the eternal message of spiritual wisdom from ancient India.



2011-12-19 09:56

Bhagvat Gita is beenread from 5000 years by all the scholars throughout the world then why isthere oposition only Now a days This shows that there is lot of narrow minded people opposing



2011-12-19 09:58

How is it that a book that is translated to almost every language on this planet earth, read and followed by the most renowned non-extrimist, non-violent human being of modern human history, Mahatma Gandhi, how is that book considered as something that preaches extremism?



2011-12-19 09:59

U ll get bad karma if u ll do this.



2011-12-19 09:59

Показательный и политический процесс. Он нужен, но должен закончится в пользу Бхагавад гиты.



2011-12-19 10:00

we are respecting to all ethics to all religions



2011-12-19 10:00

Stop being resistive against other communities



2011-12-19 10:00

Gita is a religious text. Kindly follow it.



2011-12-19 10:02

Hare Krishna...!



2011-12-19 10:02

Bhagavat gita is non sectarian and backs up all religions



2011-12-19 10:03

Господа, сильные мира сего, оставьте пожалуйста в покое ВЕЛИЧАЙШЕЕ СВЯЩЕННОЕ ПИСАНИЕ ВСЕХ ВРЕМЕН И ВЕКОВ - БХАГАВАТ ГИТУ!!! НЕ ГНЕВАЙТЕ ГОСПОДА - ЭТО ДЛЯ вас ЧРЕВАТО.....



2011-12-19 10:03

Out of the 84 lakhs species of living beings only the soul in the human form of life has the opportunity to gain knowledge which is available in the scriptures and implement that same knowledge in day today activities of his life which will help him to become a best human and this will not only help him but it will also help the living beings who may come in his contact. So i feel that this right of reading scriptures which help a person to become a better citizen will help the country also. hence the Bhagvatgita should not be banned.



2011-12-19 10:04

This is an antiquated move by the Russian prosecutors and makes it seem as if we are in the 15th Century. It is also laughable to see that the Russian 'experts' believe they can read the Gita in a few weeks and understand it - Religious Scholars and Hindus  take years to unravel its meaning and the beauty of its thought. I recommend that the people behind this actually read and follow the Gita's teachngs as these teachings will help them lead a life free of prejudice and hatred, which they are showing now towards the Hindu religion