Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita



2011-12-19 23:45

God gives them a wisdom1



2011-12-19 23:46

People should be spiritual in this material world.



2011-12-19 23:54

Please allow world to know the importance of God and meaning of individual



2011-12-19 23:55

Это же театр абсурда какой-то! (безумие, амок)
Прекратите это культурное мракобесие, эту "охоту на ведьм" в 21 веке.
И это позорное судилище происходит над книгой, в той стране, которую еще совсем недавно называли - "самой читающей страной в мире". Ну не верится в реальность этого. Не верится! Сейчас, в 21 веке? Я сплю, наверное.  Очнитесь мракобесы! Эта книга не только памятник культуры, она - духовное наследие народов мира. Призыв к мудрости, добру и свету. Может вы еще и костры из книг устроите на площадях? Что вы там опять никак не поделите? Деньги? Влияние? "Конкуренцию" убираете? (все бы сожрали вокруг ненасытные преты)


#4830 Re:

2011-12-19 23:59

#4829: -

Просто кое-кто кое с кем хочет поделить власть, чтобы никто не мешал. Чтобы церковь и государство были не разделены, как должно быть по закону, а как раз наоборот.

Вот и будут потихоньку убирать неугодных. Back to USSR :)



2011-12-20 00:09

s una ofensa imperdonable el tratar de prohibir un libro tan lindo como el Baghavad Gita; a todos los hermanos en Krhrisna de Rusia mis respetos y todo mi apoyo.
Mario Mendez B.



2011-12-20 00:10

how can you ban this ? Is Russia going towards communist country again.



2011-12-20 00:12

Hare krsna



2011-12-20 00:16

DO NOT ban gita, and save humanity at large.

This holy script cannot be banned. It is required for mankind to go back to our original home.
The "Bhagavad Gita As it is" has a treasure of knowledge within it. It is in no way to be considered extremist as it respects people from every background and faith. It teaches us about the science of the soul. Please, you can not ban this book.please read the book to try and understand the point i am making.


And If Indian Government Interfere Than Russian Gov...had to step down and stop the ban at once .......Jai Shri Krishna



2011-12-20 00:19

Nothing in this world is in the level of Bhagavad Gita, the holy words of the Lord. This holy scripture is beyond any materialistic and mundane concept. One who forbides the distribution of this scripture, is going againnts the Lord's authority



2011-12-20 00:19

No second thought, Gita can not be banned - Bhagwat Gita is Lord Krishna's voice "It's in absence of knowledge people attempting to ban this holy knowledge - lord they don't know what they are trying to do, please forgive them and bless with wisdom!!!



2011-12-20 00:24

bhagavad gita rocks



2011-12-20 00:25

So far i had a good feelings for Russia.
Especially we Indians always had a good friends in Russia as a country. Before embarking on any ban on the most religious sacred Hindu scripture respected by every  Hindu in India and world over they should have made a thorough and deep investigations of it being labelled as one mentioned in the petition.
Those who have started it have really got an idle brain and definitely it is becoming devils workshop.
Please stop it.
It is creating feelings of hatred for Russia.

It is tarnishing Russia's good name!



2011-12-20 00:30

We would like to request russian government for not to ban bhagwad gita, as it is not the harmful book, instead it is a scipture which helps mankind to rebuild its spiritual life.



2011-12-20 00:30

this is an absolute absurd. I cannot believe that something like that is going on nowadays.



2011-12-20 00:40

Please don't ban the Bhagavad Gita.... It is not an extremist book.... rather it is a book, which brings about unity on all platforms.



2011-12-20 00:40

No, Shrimad Bhagwat Gita is sacred book, and it is not inducing anyone for any wrong doing. It is showing correct path and inducing for good karma. So please recognize this book as sacred book.



2011-12-20 00:41

Russkogo cheloveka opredeljaet ne priverzhennost°opredeljonnoj vere,a projavlenie very,vyrazhajus4iesja v ego pravdivosti i sovesti.Esli dlja kogo-to eto ustarevshie slova,to on davno uzhe ne sleduet svoej vere i poetomu ne vidit Slovo Boga ni v kakih projavlenijah.



2011-12-20 00:44

Please read this book. It guides for good karma not bad karma.


#4845 Bhagwat Gita

2011-12-20 00:45

It is sacred book, guiding for good karma.



2011-12-20 00:53

We should start nothing to coorporate with Rusia, maybe they are connected with Others countries.



2011-12-20 00:54

Please do not ban. This is very precious book of India



2011-12-20 00:57

whenever the dharma is endangered .. i come and destroy the attrocity

death encounters when evil thoughts perpetuate

.............. sanatana dharma



2011-12-20 01:18

Hinduism is the worlds oldest & most peaceful religion.how can somebody even suggest otherwise is beyond me.



2011-12-20 01:20

Banning the Bhagavad-Gita is nothing but a ludicrous act that perpetuates the deterioration of your society to the brim of destruction. If one finds peace in the teachings of the Bhagavad-Gita, how can that be measured as extremist publications. Clearly, the scholars who advise you are delusional and lacking in hindsight. My advise to you is that you embrace this literature and just by this good deed, your society will become examplary to other advanced civilisation.