Save our Hydrotherapy Pool

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2012-11-19 08:12

I hope that this petition will encourage the BGH to reconsider the decision to close the hydrotherapy pool.


#2 Re:

2012-11-19 17:00

#1: 6 -

Very sad to hear that NHS Borders have brought through these proposals without consulting those who benefit form the use of the hydrotherapy pool and the physio gym!



2012-11-19 22:29

Local swimming pools, where they still exist, cannot provide the service of the hydrotherapy pool. Water temperature above that provided by local pools is essential that for treatment as is the necessity of having a trained physio.

#4 Hydro pool

2012-11-19 23:58

Over the past few years I have suffered from shoulder dislocations and have been at times unable to drive due to a combination of shoulder instability, pain & strong pain killers. At times I was so sore and uncomfortable that the only time I had relief was in the hydro therapy pool with Nicki. The water temperature and the fact that she is a trained physio therapist allowed me an hour twice a week where I was pain free and comfortable. Whilst spending time in the BGH I met several other people who used the pool on a regular basis and found it a great benefit! If there was no hydro pool and trained staff i wouldn't have had any relief nor would I be able to get to "public pools" further away. Public pools do not have trained medical staff near by in case of an emergency nor do they have the equipment or staff required to carry out in water physio and relaxation Further more why would anyone want to spend there relaxing 1:1 time having hydrotherapy with a pool full off aqua aerobics/lane swimmers/swimming lessons?? Instead of taking it update it!!!
Ronald Ross


2012-11-20 01:20

I have used this pool when i was a sciatica sufferer. The local pool is no good as the temp of the water was too cold and my hips locked never went back to the local pool and it cost me for the priviledge to be helped out.



2012-11-20 10:17

A valuable asset - purposely designed to allow people with mobility issues to feel free in movemnet. Public pools would be too cold, possibly busy and difficult to get in and out with dignity.


#7 Laura

2012-11-20 10:20

The loss of this pool would be significant to those with movement diffficulties. Local pools would be cold, possibly busy and difficult to access without loss of dignity. Leave the pool in the medical setting so it can be accessed along with other medical serrvices



2012-11-20 11:58

you can't have a physiotherapist with you in a council pool - this pool was built for this purpose and is well used , so WHY want to take it away? It will end up like the railway in the Borders - once lost, to reinstate it will cost millions !


2012-11-20 15:16

The pool was a real asset many times in my mums recovery after several replacement joints. The treatment could surely never be the same at swimming pools as temperatures vary so much. Wake up Decision-makers and take a look at the recovery rates after using such a facility.


2012-11-20 17:34

My late (ex) wife had treatment at the pool to help with MS, so I know how important a facility it is. It is needed by many people and would be a disgrace if it was lost


2012-11-20 17:49

Its a disgrace that this be allowed to happen. Local pools are just not appropriate

#12 pool

2012-11-20 19:17

the local pool is to cold and agrivates my conditions however the hydro pool is warmer and physios know what they doing it is needed by many this should not be allowed to happen
Reg frae Tweedbank

#13 Hydrotherapy pool proposed closure

2012-11-20 21:17

Disgraceful for the NHS Trust to even consider closing this essential treatment service!
The closest NHS pool to the BGH is, I believe, in Edinburgh which is at least 35 miles away. This is compounded by the expense of transport and time costs of getting there!!!



2012-11-20 21:35

This is a vital facility that should be preserved. I'm not aware of a credible alternative within reasonable striking distance for those in need.


2012-11-20 21:51

this will help milions of people.

#16 Hydrotherapy

2012-11-21 00:23

I cannot believe they are even thinking of closing this fantastic facility. I have experienced the benefits following a double leg fracture, I have also witnessed the benefit to both adults and children and cannot speak highly enough of this asset. It would be a disgrace if it were lost to the local and surrounding community.


2012-11-21 01:00

this is madness! If I were a patient I would not be happy to visit the local swimming pool for treatment. Apart from the privacy and hygiene issues there is the temperature of the pool to think about. Hydrotherapy pools are usually at a comfortable temp. Our local swimming pool is freezing!


#18 Hydrotherapy pool threat

2012-11-21 03:53

Another short-sighted so-called "efficiency".


2012-11-21 15:04

I am currently using the pool weekly for pregnancy related pelvic pain & am horrified that they are even considering doing away with such a brilliant facility.



2012-11-21 18:28

A couple of years ago I had a broken shoulder and was privileged to have hydrotherapy at the BGH pool. My mobility would not be what it is today without their help. DO NOT CLOSE THIS FACILITY!


2012-11-21 19:17

to close this hydrotherapy pool would be an absolute sin. I've had very sucsessful treatment there and people that were there with me said they found it helped them a lot. please take a thought for those that need this vital treatment, and have a thought for the wonderful staff that look after us very well.
Refuse to use the public pool for treatment


2012-11-21 22:51

I cant believe that this Hydrotherapy pool is being closed... I have used this and I was totally gutted when my treatment ended as I felt 100 times better whilst receiving this Hourly weekly treatment... I was going to see if I would be able to receive some more but looks like that idea is out the window........... How can a public swimming pool offer these service's they are always freezing and crowded the last somone with problem's needs is people staring at them while receiving treatment and the chance off being dive bombed from mindless people..... Supposing Mr Campbell was to charge people £3.00 a session I would gladly pay this to receive this treatment

Perhaps Mr Callum Campbell should take his swim shorts and towel to a public swimming pool and test the temp of the water then go and have a go at the hydrotherepy and then see why this is essential to the people off the borders who suffer chronic pain etc.... The use off a public swimming pool will cause more damage to people who suffer with there bodys going into spasms....... Come on Mr Campbell surely you can save money some place else..... The rumor is you have saved the NHS 1000's already or do you have the same attitude towards the ill as Cameron / Clegg and CO !!

Penny pinching gits

#23 OH Yes lets lose essential services- who's stupid idea is this?

2012-11-22 01:28

Disgusting thing to do to save a few quid.


2012-11-22 08:53

my son who is severly disabled really needs the pool he goes every week and it is a must for him .he cant go to the local pools as the facicities are not there and the water is to cold for him .i think it is a disgrace the way they are doing this as it is part of his physio
wounded knee


2012-11-22 18:19

Once again it would appear that decisions are made with money being the carrot prior to full consultation. The outcome being "never mind the quality-feel the width". A sad day for Borders NHS.