SYFY, Sell the Copy Rights of Your Canceled Shows

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition SYFY, Sell the Copy Rights of Your Canceled Shows.



2014-03-02 18:01

I and my wife request you see the copyrights to ghostmine



2014-03-02 20:21

SyFy..If you're not going to renew the shows us fans have been fighting for, at least sell the rights so that we can enjoy them on the other networks that are willing to air them...Especially, Ghost Mine...



2014-03-03 14:41




2014-03-03 15:05

Ghost Mine: best show in years, syfy is stupid to stop shooting it



2014-03-03 15:07

Pretty Pretty Please.



2014-03-03 15:23

Please allow the audience to enjoy the shows that YOU have determined that YOU don't like. With all the garbage that is on TV today, when a excellent show, 'Ghost Mine', shows up it's a real disappointment to not have it renewed by SyFy for whatever reason. Just release the rights so they can get picked up by another station who would be glad to have our viewership.



2014-03-03 15:36

Love this show.



2014-03-03 16:07

Write a comment...SyFy do the right thing.... Either sell the rights or put Ghost Mines back on... It is as simple as that! I don't understand why you would cancle a great show! Bring Ghost Mine Back!



2014-03-03 16:50

iif you are not going to bring back the shows we all live then sell the rights to another so they can pick them up!



2014-03-03 17:46

Please let the rights so it can go to a diff. Channel



2014-03-03 18:38

Sell it so the fans can have it on another channel. I will always watch syfy, but I want ghost mine and I will follow it wherever it goes.



2014-03-03 20:45

please put our Ghost Mine Show back on, that is a good show. thank you.



2014-03-03 23:26

We love Gm and want more


2014-03-04 01:17

Bring Ghost Mine Back. I was very disappointed when I heard that it was not coming back. Do what is right for your viewers. Bring Ghost Mine Back!!!!!



2014-03-04 21:30

I am a big fan of "Ghost Mine" and was very sorry to see it cancelled. Please let another network pick it up if you don't want it!



2014-03-11 10:40

Please let another network pick up "Haunted Collector" and "Ghost Mine" if you don't wish to bring them back. They were both very entertaining and unique paranormal shows and I was very disappointed to hear they were canceled, especially "Haunted Collector".



2014-03-12 05:47

There are so many great shows that have been canceled and replaced with crud like ghost hunters and wrestling(Really has no place on a Science Fiction channel) other lame fake reality shows. It has gone so far downhill that I have seriously questioned why I pay extra to get this channel anymore.



2014-03-13 18:19

This petition is a great idea. Television networks are there to entertain the masses while making some money at it. When you shelve great shows like Eureka or Firefly no one benefits. I no longer watch Syfy as they've cancelled the only good shows there. I don't know why. I just know the new shows aren't interesting. They're shallow and cheap. Well that's your prerogative Syfy. And your lose. So we beg you now Syfy to release the rights of the series you have cancelled to networks that are interested and willing to give us the people what we actually want to watch. You obviously have no further use for quality. Syfy, I wish you'd never sold out. You were my favorite channel. May you rest in peace.



2014-03-14 01:54

A great show. Rare today



2014-03-17 03:18

please bring ghostmine back

#21 ghostmine

2014-03-17 03:23

please sell the right to the show so someone else can pick them up please do the right thing



2014-03-18 19:57

Bring back Being Human, Eureka, and Alphas

#23 please, SyFy

2014-03-30 22:36

SyFy, PLEASE sell the rights to cancelled shows! I have been increasingly frustrated with SyFy's executive decisions over the years. They constantly cancel their very best shows and put worse and worse junk in their place. Some of their more bizarre, mind-boggling cancellations over the years: Destination Truth (RIP March 2014), Stargate Atlantis (at the very PEAK of its popularity!), The Dresden Files, Eureka, Sanctuary, Lexx, Firefly, Caprica... I could go on and on. Many of these shows have HUGE fan bases and other networks would be willing to pay big bucks for the rights to make new seasons. The fans deserve it!