Mandatory Vaccinations to Enter the Alberta Public School System

Are they safe

#51 If they are so safe why a separate vax court?

2014-05-08 07:02

They have a separate vax court? why if they are so safe would they?


#52 Re: If they are so safe why a separate vax court?

2014-05-08 17:07

#51: Are they safe - If they are so safe why a separate vax court?

First of all, that's a you tube video, not a great research source, anyone can put a video up. The vaccine court is for the odd cases that a child is injured. It is rare, but it can happen. Now to watch a youtube video and take it as fact... well lots of people think there isn't a problem with it, but really, there is.



2014-05-09 01:43

I totally agree with all vaccines being manditory but need to be for both public and catholic school



2014-05-09 05:27

I agree, for the sake of my family and future possible children!



2014-05-09 19:04

There is no reason we should be facing diseases that there are vaccines for!!!



2014-05-09 21:27

these needles are important and should be made mandatory.



2014-05-09 22:50

All vaccinations should be mandatory!



2014-05-10 02:33

Vaccinations are very important to help combat the many diseases that are out there and should be mandatory



2014-05-10 11:40

I agree should be mandatory!



2014-05-13 15:14

If a child cannot bring a peanut butter sandwich to school because of allergies but a child not being vaccinated is OK. Really? This is outrages. Please vaccinate all children and teachers too.


#61 Re:

2014-05-13 16:34

#60: -

I've always questioned the same. Peanut free schools to protect against peanut allergies yet you can bring the measles and mumps to school... SMH


#62 It’s nice to see some people did their homework

2017-11-03 16:07

I was a a die hard vaccinator. Why ? Well never because of my own reasearch . It was because so callled professionals said it was important.

i had a tenacious fb friend who posted and posted about the risks . I ignored them for over year . Then one day I asked okay why do I vaccinate .

after years now of doing my own research and learning how many things historically the governments over the years have deceived the public on so many things . 

I came to an informed decision . I find many die hard vaccinators tend to be followers rather than leaders in researching what they put in their children’s body . 

Many doctors have spoken up and have been threatened and had careers on the line . Why would someone risk so much if vaccinations were so life saving ? Doesn’t make sense .

This has also lowered my opinion of Dr.Swan . Watching movies like Vaxxed and others is a good start for truth seekers.


#63 Re:

2017-11-03 16:08

#58: -  

 Prove it


#64 Re: Re: If they are so safe why a separate vax court?

2017-11-03 16:09

Wise One

#65 Re:

2019-03-08 02:17

#60: -  It should not be mandatory.  The only argument to make it mandatory is so that disease doesn’t spread but if you or your children are vaccinated then why are you worried about getting the spread of disease?  If we have free choice then I should be allowed to bow out from getting a vaccine on the grounds that I DON’T TRUST VACCINES and I don’t trust the government.  I should have a choice for myself and my family period.