Saving CYTO

matthew bloss

/ #78 cyto is fantastic

2011-03-15 21:28

i have only been going to CYTO for one year but even in that short period time I've had a thrilling time at CYTO. it is an amazing theatre club and really brings out the best in people through sparking their confidence. I hadn't been in a play for 9 years before I starred in a play at CYTO and it made me feel much better re-living the old days. It gives youths of our generation something to do and enjoy throughout the amount of time they would spend at CYTO. loosing such an amazing Atmospherical theatre club will break many young actors and actresses hearts. it is fun, exciting and everyone there is friendly and sociable. it's a club which helps take all the worries of the week away through emphases of emotions in acting and transforming into someone you're not. it can also help one to see things in another perspective through the eyes of others. different scenarios can be seen from anyone's view in acting and it is run by a passionate and clever teacher.

please don't close us down. our public needs more clubs like this and if CYTO was to end, these younger people won't have anything to do on a friday evening except watch TV and work. everyone in relation to CYTO will feel as if a chunk of there passion has been torn from them as the feel of the club is phenomenal.