Petition to Allow Wausau West Master Singers to Sing


/ #140

2013-10-10 14:44

I am the Grandmother of 3 Wausau School District students. I am appalled, as most of you are, at the spinelessness of the school board members on this and other similar issues. They most likely have been approached, and threatened with lawsuits, by the FREEDOM FROM RELIGION FOUNDATION, and don't have the fortitude to stand up to them. I would be more than willing to contribute to the lawyer fees to fight the Freedom From Religion Foundation on this issue. (It is ironic that this foundation has it roots in our beautiful state). Come on Wausau School Board, take them on; and I assure you that if you ask the public to contribute to the lawyer's fees to fight them, we won't disappoint you~~~and trust me, THEY would lose, because they are constitutionally WRONG. Then they and others who "say" they don't believe in God would back off.