That convicted murderer Alexander Blackman serves his full term.


/ #5

2013-12-12 02:12

Alex Blackman was not jailed for doing his duty or even for over reacting while being under stress. He killed a wounded prisoner who was not a direct threat to him and while doing so has amused himself and made light of the whole situation.

I know many good and honest soldiers and none of them would have done what he did. I would have had no problem if it was a mercy killing or if he killed the guy because of a perceived threat to his or his comrades’ safety.

However, Blackman’s words and behaviour are proof enough that he acted out of arrogance and malice and with joyful knowledge that he was breaking the law.

Blackman is not a good man under stress. He is a sociopath who found the perfect outlet for acting out his dark fantasies. I am not saying he is the only sociopath in the army, just that karma caught up with him during his current lifetime.

I hope the sentence stays and gives Blackman an opportunity to reflect on who was the real idiot after all. Ten years is a very short time when learning about oneself and reflecting on one’s shortcomings.

At the same time I must say that I sympathize with Blackman’s family and I understand they are going through very difficult times. I can understand that no matter how low one has stooped, his friends and relatives will still love him unconditionally and will stand by him. And I respect that.