
/ #94

2011-06-20 15:33

I have just had the privilege to hike the new Mpongolo wilderness trial in Kruger and again was struck by the ancience of this complete ecosystem with its wild fauna and flora and by how vulnerable it is to any encroachment or pollution by humans. Thanks to Paul Kruger, this is one of the few pieces of natural wilderness left on earth, and it is our duty to contuinue to fight for it as one of the last areas which truly belongs to its inhabitants, in which they can more-or-less exist as in ancient times (although it is not totally wild and migration routes are not as they used tobe due to fences), and which do not include us and especilly not our unnatural commercial projects like hotels etc- we are privileged to even be allowed in in vehicles, on foot and in unobtrusive minimal ecofriendly accomodation. TO walk in the wild is to realise one's small place in the natural ecosystem and to learn to respect the others living there as they generally respoect you- its rightfully theirs- not ours anymore.