
/ #246

2014-01-30 17:23

I am appalled at the way MY COUNCIL has behaved in this matter . My suspicion has been for many years that there has never been fair or equal consideration to the Hare Hatch Busimness and the large national WYEVALE concern . This Govt has promoted the development of small independent businesses but in this caes the only conclusion is that the Council has operated in cahoots with the large agglomerate . How many of the Councillors making the decision about Hare Hatch's future actually shop at the Hare Hatch premises ? It is one of the best specialist general produce, fresh food and meat centres in the area . This jobsworth nonsense has been dragging on for far too long . Talk about local demoocracy ,it is a joke ! Has not Wokingham Council heard of consultation and mediation and does no -one understand that the Council is supposed to listen to those people who trusted them with their votes . The whole episode is a prime example of what is wrong with local government today .I am disgusted by the whole hostile campaign being promoted by the Council .