Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu)


/ #38

2014-03-31 20:03

It is clear that AMCU is not taking in consideration the effect the strike will be having on the lowest paid workers in any company. Those are mostly workers that perform non essential services and are the first ones to be retrenched. Many families are unable to afford house workers and or gardeners and driving down Helen Joseph Ave in the morning will give you a clear idea of how many people have already lost their jobs due to the strike. We, as a company have already cur down on all non essential workers and are not extending any temporary contracts that are coming to an end. This means that up to 30% of our employees have already lost their jobs. I guess if that doesn't kick start government into action, then nothing will. Very smart talking about youth subsidies and job opportunities if the ones available are not coveted. In the end it's about a business making profit and for Anglo to keep a business going without making a profit is futile. We need a visionary in the likes of Margeret Thatcher.