Portas Owino Ongondo right to remain in UK


/ #12 Portas Ongondo

2014-05-17 10:08

What a sad case. I am disappointed with UK law. I appreciate that we need to have rules in place about who can stay in the UK but it seems such a shame that Portas who arrived here legally, is financially independent, has 2 jobs and contributes so positively in our local school and community should me made to leave the country where his children have permanent residency. As I understand it (I am no expert) the law says that his children are no longer considered to be dependent? If that is the case then in my view that is simply wrong. I am now in my mid 40's and have been dependent on my parents all my life. Not financially but emotionally and practically. They have supported me with many things, especially helping with my children and what a joy and positive impact that has been for everyone. The thing that saddens me the most about Portas leaving the UK is the negative impact it is likely to have upon him and his relationship with his children and future grandchildren.