

/ #25 mrs susie bee

2014-08-05 18:14

The prospect of masses of ugly fencing being put into a wildlife area fills me with horror.  The field proposed to be used for horse grazing is obviously a ploy to potential house development. The land at present is beautiful, and a calm environment for nature to enjoy what nature does.  To develop this land for anything other than nature is  totally inappropriate for the area.  If the horses are put there for grazing, how long before some vandals appear to set them free? There is no valid reason to put horses on Bedmond Lane/Mayne Avenue other than to rile the community that uses the land.  There will be so much fencing, it will be almost impossibe to find the horses as there is a footpath between the two roads, which will have to be fenced off - unless of course the footpath will be closed for the wretched horses.  Horses can jump - will the neigh(pardon the pun)hood be plagued by horses trampling gardens and destroying people's possessions,