Watt Tyler

/ #444

2014-10-16 22:55

I Read Tim Pat Coogans book, to me it illustrates everything that is wrong with the Human Race. Power is held by a ruling elite who hide behind the banner of Nationalism; while secretly balancing the books, just like the British establishment did during the time of the Famine and during Cromwells time. At the other end of the scale you have the ordinary joes totally leaderless and directionless or at least with no effective leadership.  Its the same the world over how many conflicts or colonial enterprises were really about money; Use the missionaries as camouflage and then steal the natives land and natural assets after, pretend your waging a religious war in Ireland then steal land, dispossess, murder, kill and sell people into slavery, eg Cromwell the great liberator who did deals with plantation owners selling them human cargo. Its the same struggle since time immemorial and we mugs still put up with it and do nothing to break the cycle. I'm amazed. the irish dont hate us english more when you look at past history, its a credit to their intelligence and common sense that they recognise the real enemy the british establishment the reptillian creeps who preach fake morality on one hand and hold a calculator in the other.  If it was the other way round we'd be going on about it forever in our own inimitable sanctimonious manner. The biggest mistake the Irish made during the famine was not having a massive revolt millions of people what were the govt going to do?Tom Barry the famous guerilla leader once said he had no time for the famine generation because not one of them reached for a pike, a bit harsh i agree but at the same time he had a point.