Resignation of council members, Dan Struthers & Betty Braegelman


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2014-11-06 19:26

It's understandable that there will be disagreements between council and the police dept.  But the manner in which the council went about handling the issues (or should i say personnal opinions) was appalling.  That text message sent to another officer by a city employee is completely unethical.  Derrick is clearly being railroaded by the council. In reference to the "whistleblower" policy...The Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989, Pub.L. 101-12 as amended, is a United States federal law that protects federal whistleblowers who work for the government and report agency misconduct.  This in no way shape or form has anything to do with a citizen walking in and making a complaint.  If they don't want to leave their name it is NOT a formal complaint than (much less federal to fall under this act).  Good for Derrick for refusing to bow to the nepotism and small town politics.  It's nice to see the citizens of the community supporting him.