stop dudley mosque


/ #526

2014-11-14 11:18

Absolute disgrace. I still can not fathom out why projects such as these are allowed when the vast majority of the people are against it. It seems as if the English way of life is being taken apart, bit by bit and if you try to stand by your God given rights, you are deemed a racist. This is not about being racist, this is about securing OUR ways and security for our children and their children and to be blunt, a mega-mosque will indeed create, I believe, a divide to which will not be repairable. Islam is not the peaceful religion as many Muslims would make it out to be, I have studied the qu'ran, I have mingled with Muslims and all I can say after many years of integration, England is at risk. 

The foundation for something much larger has already been implemented, greed has brain-washed the powerful into allowing internal take-over and sooner rather than later, all will indeed be revealled. Numbers mean nothing when politically planted individuals have seats to bulster strategic positions, I refer to the current amount of Muslims based in Dudley compared to other ethic/native groups. Troy fell to a trojan horse, England and many other countries are experiencing the same path of demise. 

The problem is with the English is that we have become complacent due to heavy restrictions on our beliefs and forced tolerance towards this disease, we have also turned out backs on our Christian ways which has allowed our churches to crumble into ruin. For this mistake, we are now witnessing the growth of Islam, the growth of a disease which ultimately will end up in a blood bath. 

Do not judge the EDL or Britain First, consider those people acting on behalf of prior generations and future generations, consider the risk of Sharia law to your Grandmother's, your Mother's, your Daughters and your other women family members, I know I have, this is why I have put things into place for my own family and their children should Sharia laws being passed nationwide into this once proud country.