
/ #244 Wake Up America!!

2011-09-12 04:50

Do not let the Muslims do this Mosque.  It is disrespectful and a disgrace.  They are insensitive and uncaring which seems to be the image they would like for people to see of them.  Obviously they do not care about anything but their selfish interests, flaunting what they must see as a 9/11 victory in our faces.  Why don't people see this?  We are Americans who detest everything they stand for and Yet.....We have become Way TOO Politically Correct. Other people don't care as long as it allows them to do what they want.  They see us as weak for letting them do what they want and laugh at how stupid we are.  Our Founding Fathers would roll over in their Graves who fought for our Freedom if they saw what we have become and what we now allow because we do not want to offend AnyOne!!! Wake UP and Stand UP America!!