please don't put down OZ sumartan tiger hamilton zoo nz


/ #63

2015-09-20 20:27

I will be extremely gutted if Hamilton Zoo choose to put down Oz the tiger. I mean come on people, even the best behaved domesticated dogs can turn on someone they love, so the chances of a wild animal doing it are even higher. I really feel that if you choose to work with animals such a these then you are doing so at your own risk, I could have done a tiger walk or had a photo with a tiger while we were at dream world this year, but some nagging gut feeling told me I shouldnt. I mean there is always the possibility they will turn so if you choose to put yourself in that situation then I really feel you do so at your own risk. I am very passionate about tigers and polar bears, I am not normally outspoken publicly anyway, when it comes to such things, but I really feel that putting the Tiger down for being a Tiger is hypocritical and just plain selfish, I really feel for that keeper and her family etc but she took a risk and unfortunately it cost her her life,