Protect Canada - Trudeau's resignation


/ #119 True assessement of our principles

2015-12-11 00:01

"Whatever any form of goverment becomes distractive of those ends, life, liberty and the pursue of happiness, it's the right of the people to alter or abolish it and to institute new government" (Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson)

"The powers granted by the proposed Constitution are the gift of the people, and may be resumed by them when perverted to their oppression. And every power not granted thereby remains with the people" (JAMES MADISON)

"The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution are worth defending against all hazards. And it's our duty defend them agaist all attactks" (SAMUEL ADAMS)

"An appeaser is who feeds a crocodile hoping it will eat him last" (WINSTON CHURCHIL)

Every goverment first duty, obligation and responsibility to provide safety and security to their citizens before anything else. When majority of people saying NO to a real treat and hard-earned tax payers money blowing away like it's no tomorrow, and our goverment and PM Justin Trudeau ignores, we do not have anymore a free democracy but dictatorship under pretence of humanitarian aid, when the truth, every day reality and common sense and horr, reason and time and reflect concerning things happen around us. Situations, conditions, circumstances and world change every day and we and our politicians have to go with flow: what it was month ago or yesterday or your past promises do not apply today; it lost it meaning and value. We stand for our rights, principles, culture, languages, dignity, integrity...Canadians come first and it called: SELF-PRESERVATION, PREVENTION and SELF-DEFENSE!!!