Reinstate Elvis' name on the "USS Arizona"

Briar Rose

/ #654

2017-10-24 15:55

I think his name should be re-instated due to the fact the money he raised was the biggest private donation they received, this is not to mention the £5000 personal money he donated, and the fact he himself also bought his own ticket to the concert and paid for all his family and friend's tickets also at a $100 a ticket.  This memorial would not have been built for a great many years if Elvis had not done this concert as besides the money it raised, it also renewed interest in it because the fundraising drive had petered out.  There is no obvious mention on the Arizona website as regards him, it's all about the architect, who as good as he may have been, could not have seen his vision built if it wasn't for Elvis.  

$64,000 is and was a lot of money in those days, and if the people that run this memorial are not happy about having received this money and who it came from, perhaps they should re-donate these funds to a Charity that will appreciate it and at least have some honour when it comes to their opinions.  

They also ought to realise that many visitors who come and visit this memorial and pay to get in, do so because they also come to think of Elvis and to see what he helped build.  So even now, he is still helping from beyond the grave.