We must ban Muslim immigration and ban Islam in CANADA


/ #84

2018-09-29 16:02

I would be interested to see what would happen if just one mainstream political party would adopt an immigration reform to their platform.  I honesly believe they'd be elected on that alone.  Too many Canadians are afraid to object to immigration because they don't want to be thought of as racist.  But in fact there is a very intelligent and non-racist arguement against Muslim immigration.  It is not a coincidence that every single Muslim majority country on the planet has massive social-economic issues!  There is a critical problem within the culture and faith itself.  Women are second class citizens and their value system is NOT compatible with those which Western civilization was founded on.  We need to bring this argument into the public for the sakes of our children.  The small percentage of the planet which has a good standard of living cannot prop up the majoritiy of the world which cannot bring itself into the modern day.  it's as simple as that, it is not possible and not sustainable.  We need to do this for our children's sake.