Right to use sign language in educational programmes

Eddie Swayze

/ #328 Sign Language as Important Language

2010-09-25 20:44

I have never ever thought sign language is not a language or inferior to English or whatever with such negative opinions when growing up. I value American Sign Language and other deaf/hard of hearing sign languages in foreign countries, for they are essential communication methods for people who cannot hear well. It does not make sense to strip sign language communications from the deaf/hard of hearing people anywhere they exist, even in educational environments like public schools or classrooms. The idea of removing sign languages from them anywhere only makes their life even harder and less productive. They need the language. I do not support the idea that sign languages of any kind would lower the English writing/reading skills or any other foreign spoken languages in any other countries. Sign languages are languages that are used as communication methods no different than other languages that exist on this planet. Not one language should be wiped out of this planet and no matter how anti-sign language advocates, or politicians, or whoever, try to do so will only fail. Languages are like viruses and they are everywhere whether anyone like it or not. Therefore sign languages for the deaf and hard of hearing are viruses that no one can kill.