Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #5484 The reality

2011-12-20 14:29

SriMadbhagawat Gita is not only a religious scripture but it is all Moral science, Health(Yoga) science,political science,nature science,astrology,the revelation of the secrecy of the creation of this universe. It is the treasure of knowledge and so on. it does not make any advocacy to Hindu religion but treats all the creatures (not only the human beings) equally.It advocates that truth always win . Those who are opposing Gita may be ignorant of this fact. we know, the sun is truth and it does not make any difference to sun if some one says I do not believe the sun and opposes it. Gita is truth like the sun. It does not make any difference to the knowledge of Gita or Gita itself if some country bands it in the name of religion.If they do so eventually they themselves become the sufferer. I have nothing to say but only make an appeal not to be marginalized from the knowledge of Gita .Because when you depart from this universe than it has been too late for you.