Petition for a Balanced Calendar in Cobb Schools

warrior girl

/ #320 Re: Re: Re: Re:

2012-01-22 18:08

#308: - Re: Re: Re:  

 Did you know other states give the ITBS at the end of the school year?? We measure for 5th grade at the beginning and not the end, how does this give us accuracy? The standardized tests cause more stress on students and teachers than the actual cuuriculum.  There was no September break this year to allow our testing students rest afterwards.  I know two students in my house who were so physically and mentally drained, that functioning afterwards took all they had.  The 7th grade did the COGAT and the ITBS, no rest for the child? The week after that insanity was supposed to have been our September break, that would have allowed for recovery.  Other states and counties use a balanced calendar and have better test scores than we do, and the working parents manage just fine and businesses have unique oppurtunities they would not otherwise.