Petition for a Balanced Calendar in Cobb Schools

Warrior girl

/ #345 Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb

2012-01-24 17:48

#15: Drop the issue - Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb 

 Other states still have the orginal agraian calendar (Sept. thru June)because for some of them it is still a huge part of daily life. Those states also have enormous amounts of snow on the ground that they combat each year, so they have to make up missed time in June.  Last year was a freak occurance for Georgia, will that happen again this year, no probably not.  I personally enjoyed the new calendar after I experienced it, and what is most important it really helped my children through the school year. Their stress was lowered their performance improved, overall health and well being was at an all time high. As a parent that is my greatest concern as it should be for all parents. Test scores were up absences were down. I am afraid for this year the long stretch to spring break has always been bad except for last year.

Boy Scout Jamboree is not my greatest concern unless it is apart of the CRCT, then I will care.  Summer enrichment does start in May here in Georgia, and if you are going out of state for it than you are technically the minority.  Lucky East Cobb Families who get to travel on beautiful vacations, but here  in North Cobb lots of us were home.  Does one week of not being at the grocery store or gas station make that much of a difference? Do we not make it up in August when we are home? Money is money after all, in the hands of our board always poorly spent.  This past holiday break was horrible, that schedule is horrendous.