Hands Off Hartlebury Common

steve mccarron
The author of this petition

/ #1712 Cod Law

2012-04-13 23:31

WE SAID..... "We visit the common every day, and have yet to be arrested? or even censored.

YOU REPLIED......   Probably because everyone has better things to do than sit around waiting for you to appear everyday? I don't think they find you important enough in the grand scheme of daily council life.

'Put it this way. If someone jumps in your garden, you contact the police to say you have an intruder and have them removed.'

Again, probably because no one is interested enough in waiting around for you to appear.

'if you consistentley refuse to take action, the police will quite rightley advise that their time is being wasted'

If you're not sitting around wasting time waiting for someone to walk past, you're not going to be able to report them. If you constantly reported someone for walking past in a public area then you'd be done for wasting police time.

They took you to court before and will eventually recoup the money wasted because of your actions.

For your information, we have repeatedley told WCC, justice Khan, Justice McKenzie and the police and the junta collectiveley that we have no intention of paying any monies of any sort and  that we have not the slightest intention of complying with ANY court order. So shove that in your pipe and smoke it !!!

They won't keep persuing court action more likely because it's stupidly expensive, and it takes them ages to get organised to do anything anyway, lets face it, it's the council.

McCarron, you're constantly trying to run this dead horse round in circles and it's not half getting boring. Lets see if it works or not, if it doesn't work they'll give up and come up with a new hobby horse anyway."

If someone jumps in your garden, BREAKING YOUR FENCE IN THE PROCESS, and refuses to move, you contact the police to say you have an intruder and have them removed and use your right to recourse to an injunction, or bail conditions preventing their stated aim of returning to repeat the process and then prosecution is yours also. If they keep doing it you obtain an injunction, if not already, and a prosecution takes place again,  the police, subject to your consent press charges again. So there are plenty of opportunities for pain free, cheap public vilification for the council

This is how the real legal world works my friend, not the fairy tale law and procedure you champion in your reply,

"The council are to busy and are not organised" Etc, Etc, Etc.  Your so funny, does it take you long to make this kind of stuff up?

The broken mechanism is the resposibility of WCC,  who refuse to do the right thing. Shut us up once and for all by making an example of us through the criminal court and the local Tory press as if we had vandalised a bush shelter. WHY NOT, you work it out, but I think you know.


WE are not walking on a public place every day, WE are walking on a place that WCC claims to own! Why are we not being subject to the terms of an injunction preventing this?


Somebody is telling very big lies, it is not us. As usual, you are ANONYMOUS, and if I was displaying a similar level of intelect, I would want to remain anonymous with the sorts of comments you are making.


Why dont you stick to what you think you know, the 1968 conveyance document and the land registry document, both a load of fraudulent mishmash, but at least you will be on familiar ground. Mind you, you'l be to busy tarting up the common and increasing it's appearence to the Mohave desert. well done, some hobby horses cannott be resurected, no matter what you might think or have been told.


Until recentley, our heaths, commons, chases, moors and other open spaces where the last publicly available heritages. Now they are in the control of individuals. You might feel comfortable handing over our heritage on  a plate to an industrial faux conservation movement, but us and the vast majority of people are very unhappy with this state of affairs.


You must feel PROUD


Steve McCarron