CRIM 305

Quoted post



2013-05-25 09:36

Can I suggest that prof steyn remarks the test and then chooses the best mark of the two for each student in that way everyone is happy? I was one of the students that chose more then one option for the mcqs but I agree completely with all the grivences brought up. However if prof steyn is going to remark our tests and mark according to us choosing the most correct answer its going to disadvantage students who had chosen more then one option


Naveesha Naidoo
The author of this petition


2013-05-25 11:36:12

#5: Guest - Can I suggest that prof steyn remarks the test and then chooses the best mark of the two for each student in that way everyone is happy? I was one of the students that chose more then one option for the mcqs but I agree completely with all the grivences brought up. However if prof steyn is going to remark our tests and mark according to us choosing the most correct answer its going to disadvantage students who had chosen more then one option

That sounds like a very good option, I'll include that as well. When I suggested that he remark it I meant that should a student have only selected one option that was one of the right answers he/she should have at least got 1 mark and if they had selected all the right answers they should get 2 marks, otherwise what is the point of each question being worth 2 marks?