Vote of No Confidence for Police Commissioner Mr. Baines.

Quoted post



2013-10-24 04:02

I have never read as much small minded, hypocritical, non-sensical garbage in all my life. These posts are the most assinine posts I have ever read in my life. You should all be embarrassed not only at your inability to spell and construct proper sentences but also by your vindictiveness and immaturity. Absolutely shocking. If you think this immature, playground style approach to addressing whatever your concerns are will actually work then you are even less intelligent than I first thought. Why don't you focus your efforts in a constructive manner that may actually achieve something other than quenching your thirst for being miserable, vindictive and no use to society. Seriously, you should all try try to get lives and become productive members of society.



#21 Re:

2013-10-24 22:30:23

#20: -

Now really...what you have just wrote has nothing to do with what this is all about, other than be small minded, hypocritical, vindictive yourself of Caymanians who are trying to standup and have their voice heard for the better of this country. Please stay focus on the real issues here, whom ever you are, next time post a name and stop hiding.