That convicted murderer Alexander Blackman serves his full term.

Quoted post



2013-12-08 23:13

Fuck you, the man is a hero and fought to secure your right to post stupid bollox like this, from the bottom of my heart I hope who ever started this petition dies a slow and painfull death fuck u



#4 Re:

2013-12-09 20:24:57

#3: -

Nah, you don't even have the guts to leave your name.

This post has been removed by its writer (Show details)

2014-05-29 06:59:52


#9 Re:

2014-05-29 07:01:21

#3: -

You are the only person that's used bad language.
If you don't agree with the rest that's fine ,but why use foul language in your  posts.
Not everyone allows themselves to be indoctrinated to believe what the British government/BBC say.