town of hawkesbury on canada

Quoted post

Hawkesbury Citizens

#25 Open the books...

2013-12-11 21:18

Stop stealing our hard earn money!
The citizens of Hawkesbury should not have to pay for incompetence and lack of administration skills.

... Water taxes miscalculated was a software mistake, SOFTWARE! Mr Maire you must really think people in this town are all retards.
... You say the latest POKER RUN was a deficit, we're are the detail numbers like Mrs Portelence asked for.

Citizens of Hawkesbury it's really time to WAKE UP!

Thanks to Paul Depratto for making a stand.


not mickey mouse

#156 Re: Open the books...

2013-12-31 17:15:25

#25: Hawkesbury Citizens - Open the books...

What is the amont you pay for this Mr Carriere for. I pressume it is over 1000.000 a year. How many peope in Hawkesbury have that salary. I moved here a 1 1/2 years ago and will be moving out before you Mr. Maire. It is a smame we cannot afford it anymore, to have to pay for your mistakes and your pleasures withy the boat run and socalled fireworks. VERY VERY DISSAPOINTED after all the good things were told to me about this town