Save Rendezvous Bay

Quoted post



2011-06-29 21:19

I live in Turtle Bay and my home is the closest structure to Rendevous Beach.
I have hiked from my home to Rendevous Beach about four times per week for the last 17 years. One of the paths leading there goes through my property and I have keptit open to the public. It is featured in several guidebooks (Lonely Planet and others) and used by hundreds of hikers both local and visiting.
I have seen the roadwork which began about two weeks ago. There is now a guardhouse(with landscaping and guard dog) at the top of Springhill. I do not trust the promises of an eco friendly development at all. Yesterday at 7.15 I was at Rendevous Beach and saw a fresh turtle nest including the tracks from and to the water. About 15. minutes later a pickup truck arrived with a person working for the developers and drove onto the beach within a few yards of the fresh turtle nest. The proposed development and it’s construction will be a desaster for the wildlife and eco tourism. It will close access to the beach for hikers who would have to go through the residential development as well as the hotel property to reach it. I don’t think there is anybody who has been to the beach more often and knows it better than I do. I will support any legal and democratic activity to stop this development and support Antiguans who do not want to see one of the last natural beaches and it’s wildlife and fauna destroyed.



#50 Re:

2011-07-02 17:29:17

#31: -

what kind of pickup, and what clour did you see driving on the beach