JOVIN, SFF ....! Inicijativa !!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥

Quoted post



2011-07-21 16:33

To love some country, city, vilage cannot be a sin.
General Jovan Divjak is a part of Sarajevo City as it is Chatedral, Mosc or any other monument. Rejecting idea of Great Serbia & national discrimination he put all his life effort in service of Sarajevo Citizens and Republic Bosnia & Herzegovina. He is a victim of slow B&H and Austrian Administrations and his human rights & patriotic service of old man must be respected in one normal State constelation. I pledge on US Government to help for speed up freedom of honest citizen of Sarajevo. Mr. Jovan Divjak old 77 year. Sincerely, Miroslav Mehmedbasic


Ivana Ina Mostarac

#41 Hvala Miroslave....<3

2011-07-21 17:02:00

#39: -

Ivana Ina Mostarac Jutros, rano, sam obavjestena od strane Mirsada Purivatre, da je primio Peticiju i Apel za nasu Ljudinu, legendarnog Generala Divjaka, i da ce odrzati Press gdje ce se izjasniti o ovom pitanju ! Kaze, jos , da su oni, iz Direkcije, imali namjeru , svakako, nesto raditi u vezi svega oko njega. Zahvaljujem se ispred, i svih vas, koji ste odmah, podrzali Inicijativu. Nadam se da sav , njihov, trud nece biti puka forma...!Ove stvari traze veci angazman od obicne PRESS konferencije !

Miroslav HM

#46 Re: I am very satisfied with Austrian decision

2011-08-07 19:33:12

#39: - What is just one man in global happening? You are young or old or middle age, but who care about? To be a human being in this speed transient life is just a human try to help living beings needed a help. Some Administrative situations can make a human life so worthless, but reaction of any a good man in the world is a human medicine.Thanks for Austrian Administration Decision and comment & reaction of US Embassy! Sincerely Miroslav Mehmedbasic