Petition for a Balanced Calendar in Cobb Schools

Quoted post


#336 Re:

2012-01-24 14:47

#334: -

Re:"...only voted to return to the current calendar based on support from business such as White Water and Six Flags."

Balanced calendar supporters claim that WW and 6 Flags are financially better off WITH the balanced calendar. Why the heck would they lobby against it??????  (see post 322).  Sounds like you haven't thought through your argument very well.

Given that no candidate supporting the August 1 calendar has ever won ANY election in Cobb, and

given that every candidate that voted for the more traditional calendar won by majority vote, and

given that each of the 3 candidates who were elected a few months ago had traditional calendar as an election platform item (see Grand Jury findings)

It appears that the board did follow majority opinion.


Warrior girl

#339 Re: Re: balanced calendar

2012-01-24 16:44:18

#336: - Re:  

 When you run unopposed platform does not really matter.  The North Cobb race had only one candidate and with a single vote she won, how is that majority? An acccidental click of the key and she wins, no click of the key still wins. We do apoplgize our apathy is the reason this happened.  We must hold ourselves accountable for this, and make the appropiate changes come next election.