Hold Solihull MBC Accountable For Abuse of Power & Corruption

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Hold Solihull MBC Accountable For Abuse of Power & Corruption.



2014-07-10 13:21

When people in a position of power start to abuse the vulnerable, it is high time that they were made accountable.



2014-07-11 16:21

Disgusting behaviour ! Shame on you ! Solihull MBC ! Pigs at the trough again !



2014-07-12 00:22

Please hang in there. My loved one is also being exploited by the corrupt guardian/conservatorship industry in New Mexico. It may be too late to save our loved ones but hopefully by communicating with the media you will get the word out and bring these criminals to jusice while helping others form such suffering.


2014-07-12 01:54

Re 28th comment ....
This is what people must understand; that the exploitation of vulnerable individuals and their respective families not only compounds suffering to an intolerable extent, but is both a National and Global disgrace. Tyranny will continue to undermine Rights unless we come together and collectively use our voices to name, shame and fight in every way possible. Democracy is a fallacy and only by uniting and being vociferous in this war against corrupt officials who abuse their power, will we afford true power to the people, reinstating our right to free speech and control over our own lives.



2014-07-13 10:42

The despicable manner in which my dear friend, Ann Parkes and her frail husband, Alfred, have been treated by this vile, greedy, corrupt and abhorrent institution is beyond any decent person's comprehension - they have to be held accountable for the numerous heinous atrocities that they have committed, and for the unbearable grief and trauma they have caused the Parkes family! I am disgusted!!



2014-07-15 10:33

Surely what these officious officials have done is illegal? If not illegal, then it definitely should be and must be brought to the attention of the general public. How many more vulnerable people are suffering due to uncaring, greedy monsters. This is power and corruption gone made. Everyone must support and get behind Ann Parkes in this fight against our mutual enemies. No chance for the animals when human beings treat others in such a terrible, terrible way. I'm so sorry this is happening. Fight them.



2014-07-16 14:11

Please address these Issues asap and compensate Ann Parkes.



2014-07-16 17:32

It´s a shameful treatment of an ill man and his famliy, and it has to stop NOW!



2014-07-18 15:48

Well said Ann! I was very moved by your powerful address, You have a lot of support for your cause, and may you be successful in your cause. x



2014-07-18 15:50

Well said Ann! you have put your case with great power and conviction, you have many supporters, may your cause be successful xx



2014-07-19 10:38

I find what has happened unacceptable! Solihull MBC treats the elderly and their families appallingly. In addition these ugly people who work for the Solihull MBC should be held accountable and prosecuted for the terrible effects people have suffered. shameful!



2014-07-19 10:51

Others need to be taking this up. It's obviously wrong and they shouldn't be getting away with it.
Ann Parkes.

#39 Re:

2014-07-19 19:39

#28: -

Thank you... I will hang in there and am so sorry to hear that you are going through such a terrible experience also.  This is not just a local issue or even a national issue.  The world is peopled with power crazed sociopaths, obsessed with wealth and where the lives of 'little' people matter not.  That is what needs to be addressed and why we must all of us stand together in Solidarity.  Together we will smash them.  Maybe too late for us .... but not for those who come after.  
Please remain stoic.  Stay strong.  The filth may win many battles, but the war will be won by us!  xx



2014-07-20 07:48

I sincerely hope that Ann gets justice for what has happened to her and her husband. I feel that no care or compassion will return to this nation until the Tory government is overthrown on May 7th next year.....



2014-07-21 11:40

Stop treating like pawns n non entities. Every living person deserves dignity and respect!! Your treatment of these upright, fair citizens is an abomination n a slight to human rights!! How can you sleep at night?? DISGRACEFUL AND CRIMINAL!! Let justice prevail!!
Marguerite Morgan



2014-07-21 18:12

Disgusting and disgraceful..Shameful and must not be allowed to go unpunished



2014-07-24 01:39

Thank you Ann for your determined and hard work for others



2014-07-24 05:11

Ian James and Fiona McGill are a disgrace to their profession, as is the bank permitting them access to Alfred Parkes account..Criminals. No system is justified, whether a supposed first world country or not, embezzling private funds.David Cameron get off your high horse of needing to be seen as a world leader, and do your job..CLEAN up your corrupt and disgraceful social services.



2014-07-24 20:09

My disabled son is a pawn in the hands of the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham who legally kidnapped him based on instructions given to the Social Worker by her superiors to steal all of my disabled son's assets I had won on his behalf, a clinical negligence legal case awarded him lifetime compensation as he disabled due to Doctors negligence. He then was thrown out of school due to education funding costs as soon as his clinical negligence compensation began. I then take the matter to the Education Tribunal and while this was pending case, Social Services came to remove him from me on very dubious lies and got away with it. But now that my son is legally thrown in residential care, he has since been seriously abused physically three times. When I ask Police for his immediate Protection, the matter is always swept under the carpet and as a result my Contacts are suspended with my son. Once he reaches 18 years of age, this November, I have already been told that they do not intend to return him to me and will continue depriving him of his liberty, confining him to a life in State Care. This is what happens to real fighters for the rights of disabled people and their families.

#46 Re:

2014-07-24 21:15

#45: -

Reply to comment number 45...

Sincere sorrow at the suffering caused your family due to uncaring officers of the crown who have taken your son from you.  The motto of local councils, of the UK government is PROFIT BEFORE PEOPLE..  This doubtless pertains across the globe and it's now time to take back our rights.

The police and social services worked hand in glove in my own case, with cops being called out by Fiona McGill of Solihull SS, who gave them false information and lied by omission. That woman ought to be charged not only with wasting police time, but attempting to cover up abuse in care homes.

It will serve everyone well to remember that these are all government agencies and do not work FOR you - despite the misunderstanding by the general public that they do.

Please contact me privately in regard to your own case as I would like to help.  I know of other cases - and one in particular - which reflect almost exactly what you are going through. 

You are not alone.  None of us are.  Together, we will be a force for change and address our respective personal traumas and the violation of our rights by corrupt local councils. 

AND, we will be a force for change nationally, ensuring that knowledge of these corrupt practices becomes general knowledge.  Via public outrage and demand for change, we will blow these 'care policies' apart.



2014-08-03 10:27

Hang the powers that be, Stop stealing taking advantage of venrable people you dispicable sicko s




2014-08-03 22:46

So sorry to hear of your trouble. All I can do is offer my support to you and pray that this matter gets sorted out for you soon X



2014-09-28 17:25

The authority and individuals in office need to be answerable and bought to book under misconduct in public office and vicariuos liability.



2014-10-13 11:15

It's wrong pure and simple