Help Re-open The Rock Music Bistro in Umzumbe

Contact the author of the petition

This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Help Re-open The Rock Music Bistro in Umzumbe.



2016-04-03 04:54

Music is part of culture and should be protected and nurtured as much as possible. This venue dose not only employee staff you depend on it to be employed but it also provides acts a venue to preform. This inefficient system is keeping reputable business from trading and is not policing bad trade practices as it should be. It is sad to see this. It is a CRIME against the arts



2016-04-03 08:59

The Rock is a venue that supports development of youth, culture and tourism and is a valuable South Coast attraction.



2016-04-03 10:42

I love Umzumbe, and anything that makes it better, should stay! I also enjoy music, and I think places like these are of upmost importance to the South African music industry...



2016-04-03 10:52

Re- opening of The Rock Music Bistro


#55 Re: Re:

2016-04-03 11:43

#12: - Re:  

 Thank you for your comment, the previous owner in fact lost the liquor license and the current owners have been trying for over a year to re new it and all the paperwork is most certainly in order, and everything done by the book. Thousands of rands have been paid to the board for temporary licenses and they still have not issued the license. The license was applied for over a year ago and we were assured that we would recieve the license within 6 months and to date nothing has been recieved.


#56 Re: Re:

2016-04-03 11:47

#9: - Re:  

 Thank you for your commenct, the previous owner lost the license and the new owners have been trying to obtain a new one for over a year already, they have spent thousands of rands of temporary event licenese and on obtaining their permanent license they have indeed followed the right protocol. they were assured that they would recieve the license within 6 months and have now had to close due to not being able to fund the business anymore, without the liquor license the business makes no money.



2016-04-03 12:20

Great venue and no reason for them not to be issued a liquor license



2016-04-03 12:34

We need venues for our local musicians especially on south coast



2016-04-03 13:26

I still have the welfare of the SA music scene at heart , having been a part of it for so many years .



2016-04-03 20:30

Every time we come down to the coast we spend a wonderful day listening to music and eating good, reasonably priced food there. It is a joy. PLEASE give them a liquor license and do not close them down.



2016-04-04 03:46

The rock cannot reach rock bottom



2016-04-04 06:40

I had one of the best holidays in Umzumbe a year ago. Hope I make it back some day.



2016-04-04 09:09

Um... Yar... good luck with this... my experience of durban is the excruciatingly unfortunate circumstance where the city is ruled by retarded morons with cocaine habits, who are completely out of touch with the city, as the views from their offices and the extravagant lifestyles that they lead unfortunately do not permit them to have a relationship with the reality of the city in any way, and of course being so deeply embedded in some sort of perceived upper class lifestyle, these people see no need for music or culture, unless it celebrates or serves their ministries, because being so devoid of it, they see no need to establish any cultural outlet in 'their' city. i can say all of this from the horrifyingly demented experience of having to work with durban government on durban's music and cultural scene some years ago, and i've not seen or heard of anything change in this regard... anyway, really, good luck with this, i personally think you could get more done with a rubber mallet than a petition, but my advice on this is that the middlemen are useless to you (police/lawyers/alcohol licensing people/etc) and you have to reach the well insulated people that 'run' the city - the people in the mayors office, as they have durban town in their pockets and can overrule anything at will



2016-04-04 10:51

The Rock is a culture not just a venue. Everyone has the right to participate.



2016-04-04 11:17

It's dishearting to see that all the cool venues are being closed down! These are the places where musos could perform and share their hearts and lives and give to those music lovers something that this world is so lacking of...namely joy! Hope you will take the time to read these letters and realise the harm you are bringing to all the musos and music lovers out there. Without music and the arts as such, the world is a dull place!



2016-04-05 17:14

obviously because I would like to see Rock bottom stay open



2016-04-06 17:35

Love the place. Marks is ever the gentleman. The staff are effecient, food great and a general feel of peace and tranquility. My Bopper knows the road so well.



#68 Re:

2016-04-06 17:38

#63: -  

 Your view is so negative. We are not in Durban..




2016-04-09 13:20

what is life without music? live music rocks



2016-06-26 20:06

Its a wonderful family venue as well as wonderful artists. Its a very widely appreciated tourist attraction



2016-06-26 20:43

Amazing venue for musicians and for all ages patrons. Helps create employment for many young local female's.



2016-06-27 06:12

The Rock is really close to my heart!



2016-06-27 17:13

Deep down I worry that artistic endeavours are always as target for suppression.This is a typical example and must be fought for...that suppression must be pushed back!Sign the petition...don't hesitate!



2016-07-03 13:43

Great to have a music venue in Umzumbe. We need more platforms for live music in SA to help encourage and support more musicians.