Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita



2011-12-27 04:32

I Love Bhagavad Gita!



2011-12-27 04:38

apoyemos es una noble causa... la literatua de srila prabupada debe seguir difundiendose



2011-12-27 05:00

Обращение к разуму!!!!


#7429 No Ban on Bhagavad-Gita for betterment of Human Being

2011-12-27 05:00

Bhagavad-Gita is Knowledge based book for knowledge enrichment of human beings, & therefore, there should not be any ban & left upon the intelectuals to decide for reading or not.



2011-12-27 05:20

I'm not a religion man, but I think they doesn't do anything bad. We must have a choise.



2011-12-27 05:24

India throughout history has not conquered any country
or colonized any nation. The Bhagawat Gita is philosophically if properly understood will definitely plant the human values and sacred values a human being needs in this world and after world. India is the nation with 1 billion people with a 2% community as Prime minister, 2 % community as head of armed forces and 15 % community as head of state in a 80% Hindu nation. All the sub religious sect which is being banned in their own country of origin, enjoys the full freedom of practice on Indian soil. That is the power of Gita with its essence towards mankind. Gita is the soul of Hinduism....



2011-12-27 05:26

абсурд просто !!!



2011-12-27 05:59

Это очень ужасно когда кто-то берется судить Священные писания в светском суде!



2011-12-27 06:02

I extend my support to raise voice against the banning of "Bhagavad Geetha". It is like depriving the ultimate wisdom to the universe.



2011-12-27 06:02

Every man in the world is unhappy anyway in life . To give peace the soal and remove frustration every body should study the holy book the Gita.



2011-12-27 06:16

gita is the purest knowledge that the Supreme Lord gives us to make our existence on this earth a little more conscious and value to humanity, and to nuesra evolution teaches us a way of life of all beings are anxious, LOVE


2011-12-27 06:16

gita is the purest knowledge that the Supreme Lord gives us to make our existence on this earth a little more conscious and value to humanity, and to nuesra evolution teaches us a way of life of all beings are anxious, LOVEDeshacer cambios



2011-12-27 06:26

prabhupadha ky yaii

#7439 Re:

2011-12-27 06:32

#7: -

После осуждения Бхагават-гиты как она есть, нужно будет потребовать сжечь все издания книги во всём мире, и с этой целью обратиться в ООН.



2011-12-27 07:01

do not ban BHAGVAT GITA, because it is d real voice of lord KRISHNA.


2011-12-27 07:10

The Gita is a book of spiritual conection.
It is not a book that poses a threat to any political point of view, The Gita express a total and fundamental comitment to Life from the moment of conseption.
The taking of any life is against the basis of this book and its teachings of Peace.It should be read by ALL!



2011-12-27 07:30

Bhagavad gita 4.38
In this world there is nothing so sublime and pure as transcendental knowledge. Such knowledge is the mature fruit of all mysticism, and he who has become expert in the practice of devotional service enjoys this knowledge internally, in due time. hari bol...krishna katha ki jay



2011-12-27 07:31

Bhagavad gita 4.38 In this world there is nothing so sublime and pure as transcendental knowledge. Such knowledge is the mature fruit of all mysticism, and he who has become expert in the practice of devotional service enjoys this knowledge internally, in due time. hare krishna.....kirshna katha ki jay



2011-12-27 07:34

Вайшнавы молитесь Кришне пожалуйста! Харе Кришна!



2011-12-27 07:36

Такое ощущение, что в наше время все перевернулось с ног на голову, белое стало черным, черное белым. Такое фундаментальное произведение, как "Бхагават - Гита" отдали под суд, люди, но где же Ваш разум. Насколько мне известно, инициатор - Прокуратура, орган, осуществляющий надзор за законностью, не тем занимаетесь ребята, стыд вам и позор!!! Очень обидно за нашу Страну! "Бхагават - Гита" получила признание во всем Мире, в том числе среди различных выдающихся людей, ученых, писателей, философов. Получается, они дураки, а ВЫ умные!!! Уважаемый СУД, уважаемые органы представители власти, проявите разум!!! Прекратите дело!!!

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2011-12-27 07:43



2011-12-27 07:45

Это великая книга!!! Судьи, прокуратура, ОПОМНИТЕСЬ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



2011-12-27 07:47

Бхагават Гита ки Джая!



2011-12-27 08:00




2011-12-27 08:02

In this 21 century restricting any principle of religion sounds very absurd. Need to give freedom to individual to choose the best option for them. They will choose according to there understanding.