Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita



2011-12-17 16:28

please stop this interdiction o f the bhagavad gita now!



2011-12-17 16:29

please invite the judges of Russian Govt. to VRINDAVAN before taking any decision for atleast one week.



2011-12-17 16:29

We want Russian and the World understand the truth and be in harmony with all religions including that of Hindus, protecting their beliefs, rights and freedoms.



2011-12-17 16:29

Что твориться...Нужно быть полностью не "образованным", чтоб позволить себе такое...



2011-12-17 16:29

Stop this nonsense. Banning Gita will bring your country famine and destruction.



2011-12-17 16:30

Обвинить духовное знание не будучи практиками в этой науке - скажем мягко, не очень разумно... Кем возомнили себя эти люди?... Какое благо обществу они хотят принести этим судом?... Очевидно, что их намерения не благородны, не чисты и не возвышенны... Сфабрикованное дело, имеющее своей целью удовлетворение мелко- и крупнокорыстных интересов, а не заботу о благе человечества...

Вот мнение Верховной Личности Бога:

"В этом мире нет ничего более возвышенного и чистого, чем духовное знание. Это знание - зрелый плод всего мистицизма. И тот, кто достигнет совершенства в преданном служении, насладится этим знанием в своё время." (Б.Г. 4.38)

"Это знание - царь всего знания, тайна тайн. Это чистейшее знание, и, поскольку оно даёт непосредственное постижение себя через духовное осознание, оно является совершенством религии. Оно вечно и постижение его радостно." (Б.Г. 9.2)



2011-12-17 16:30

Хари бол!



2011-12-17 16:31

Attempt to ban Bhagavad gita is seriously the most stupid idea. Imagine how big succes have Bhagavad gita all over the world. It contains very positive moral ideas with pure philosophy and religion. I never saw so peacefull religion.



2011-12-17 16:33

Присоединяюсь к предидущему высказыванию.

#835 Re:

2011-12-17 16:34

#809: Arcana -

Thanks for your support. Love you all.



2011-12-17 16:36

Freedom of Religion is a God Given Right



2011-12-17 16:37

Бхагавад-Гита как она есть Его Божественной Милости Шри Шримад А.Ч.Бхактиведанты Свами Шрилы Прабхупады - наш общий спасательный круг!!!

#838 Happiness Promoting Litterature

2011-12-17 16:40

Dear All,

I understand that some of the concepts contained in this book might seem radical upon first look because they go against current commonly accepted social trends. But the fact is that they are all very true, as we can understand through proper intelligent philosophical analysis and through direct experience of their application in daily life.

The teachings of the Bhagavad Gita explain that we are all parts and parcels of one unique God and that true deep and ever-lasting happiness comes from developing love of God. It is non-different from the teachings of Christianity that asks to love one another and to ultimately love God, you father, your creator. But in this all-time Hindu classic, the identity of God, his characteristics and inner workings, as well as the relationship between individual living beings and their creator is expertly explained in much details. It is one of the only theological philosophy known to man-kind that is truly able to bring people of all races, origins, and cultural backgrounds together and be able to live in peace, harmony, and ultimate happiness. The very attempt to ban a book that promotes inner and external peace among all living being is very radical and extremist, much more than the content of that beloved book.

May all human beings develop their dormant loving feelings for their all glorious Creator; God, the most merciful and all-powerful Lord of everything that exists.

Most Sincerely,
A very concerned soul,

Mathieu Lozeau
PhD Candidate - Industrial Engineering
École Polytechnique de Montréal
Montréal, QC, Canada



2011-12-17 16:43

Bhagabath Gita As it Is,book is for all human beings not for only hindu or any others religion,this book give us knowledge which is make us to love all living being in this universe,stop killing n love every one,becouse we all are part of parcels of GOD,we all are bothers n sisters,so those trying to stop selling or reading this books that means they are againts humanism,against love,so i humbly request to THE JUDGE that plz you read this book n try to understand what is inner meanings in BHAGABATH GITA,PLZ DONT FLOW THIS EVIL OR CRAZY MINDED PEOPLE WHO ARE AGAINST BHAGABATH GITA,thank you ,be happy make happy ,



2011-12-17 16:44

Russian beleived in Indian Culture why then Ban on Gita?



2011-12-17 16:48

Shrimad Bhagvat Gita is a most spritual book and teach human about pure karma(action), yoga, meditation, devotion and how to perform duties. This book does even mention any religious or community but is for whole human kind. Banning such book is a clear injustice against Humanity, an attempt to stop people find peace.


#842 Vatican against Krishna

2011-12-17 16:51

3.1 Dans ce domaine on note la persistance de la vieille superstition populaire, jamais réellement extirpée, et aussi, récemment, une certaine sensibilité new age, qui se manifeste dans des expressions comme « énergie positive » qui émanerait d’une personne ou se ferait sentir dans certains endroits. A côté de cette atmosphère spirituelle assez vague, il y a, peut-être, quelque chose de plus concret, comme des groupes de satanistes, des Hare Krishna et autres ésotériques. En tout cas, ils sont peu nombreux et n’apparaissent souvent que sur Internet.

La cause de ces phénomènes est toujours la même: la soif du mystère, la recherche d’un ailleurs au-delà du sensible et du quotidien, le besoin d’une protection devant les menaces de l’existence.


#843 What is Bhagavat Geeta

2011-12-17 16:57

Bhagawat Geeta is like a manual but unlike any other manual, its a manual to lead life.



2011-12-17 16:59




2011-12-17 17:00

Chant Hare Krishna and by happy!



2011-12-17 17:01

Бхагават Гиту нельзя судить. Это истинное знание и запрещать его - преступление перед свободой совести.
Нечепаева Ольга


#847 Re:

2011-12-17 17:01


Alchemist Project - Krishna




2011-12-17 17:02

Visnu - Brahmastra (Live)
Hare Krishna



2011-12-17 17:03

The Bhagavad Gita will help Russia to become the best place. It is simply ignorance of this fact that is the root of problems.



2011-12-17 17:03

Although Russia is a great country with great people, some individuals in Russia never tried to learn religious acceptance and tolerance. It is their way or the highway.