Hands Off Hartlebury Common

steve mccarron
The author of this petition

/ #1726 Conveyance is a fraud!!!!!

2012-11-19 21:30

Dear Mr Barnett

Further to your enquiry, I have checked with the Church Commissioners property department who confirm the information I have previously provided to you regarding their ownership of the common, deriving from their ownership of the Lordship of the manor of Hartlebury. They have also stated that there would have been a statutory declaration in 1968 confirming their ownership and not a title deed.

As well as the conveyance I've already provided you with a copy of free of charge we do have a file on Hartlebury Common which you are more than welcome to inspect at our reading room - details are on our Lambeth Palace Library website - http://www.lambethpalacelibrary.org/content/cerc.


Declan Kelly

Church of England Record Centre