say no to a columbarium next to our future home!

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#601 Re: Re:

2015-02-02 14:48

#598: - Re:  

  Life Corporation understands these sentiments and it has always been its intention that thetemple component of the development would be headed by religious individuals.


I hope that MND can see that having religious individuals head the "temple component of the development" will not turn a commercial entity into a temple. 



2015-02-02 14:52

Look Like KBW cant do anythg.. what a shame...



2015-02-02 15:19

Just build like what is located near the Jalan Kayu Chinese temple..then is called a real Chinese temple.. No need air con , just open air.



2015-02-02 16:03

The company said that it is working with the Government to see if a "mutually satisfactory and viable solution can be found in due course".

look, its not over yet...



2015-02-03 00:31

The minister has admitted it's their admin lapses to the whole world... Not easy let's hope that he will make things right in favour of the residents. Personally, I will take his words seriously it will be extremely awkward if he failed to deliver what he has promised as he represents the government which we put our trust with. Nothing to do with whether who will run the ward, problem still goes to MND in future should the situation goes south. 



2015-02-03 11:05

As foreseen, the leopard of P&P never changes it spots.

Told all your Fernvale Residents to be on your guard. They are now trying to exhaust all your patience by playing the good cop bad cop routine, raising your hopes to bring it down again, giving you endless nightmares. Call for the immediate removal of that useless mp and press for a by election even as of now. Get a real mp who will stand for your interests.

Remember these balck hearted people  are full of tricks and deception, using a mix of unscrupulous corporate schemes and in collusion with law makers.




2015-02-03 13:17

Later KBW shall admit yup LFC is right...let do it since it not their fault....



2015-02-04 00:33

Mr. Khaw did said no money making columbarium

LFC has to make money

New site will be allocate off residential area, maybe at a discount.

Sengkang residents will be happy







2015-02-04 01:34

I'll be collecting key to my BTO at Fernvale Riverbow soon. I was wondering what was the real issue about this incident?

Is it about a Chinese Temple & Columbarium near to your house OR that a Pte Ltd has won the bid to the plot of land??

If a religious group won the bid and wanted to build a Chinese Temple cum Columbarium, how many will react in the same way??

Just wondering ...



2015-02-04 04:45

the issue is about commerical columbraium.  Real temple with columbraium still ok but a commerical one that can use high tech to housed up to 90000 urns that is not acceptable.

and the land was supposed for a non-profit chinese temple not for a profit driven company using a temple as a cover for it own purposes.


#611 Re:

2015-02-04 16:07

#607: -  

 If the minister wants a temple to be built with columbraium services for members,  it's okay although one without it will be most ideal.  What we dun wish to see is a "modern" temple that is post-affiliated with religious group, leveraging high tech to accommodate more urns. After all the promises by him, which the hopeful residents expect him to deliver, a less than satisfactory solution is desired. If minister failed to keep his promises, it will answer some of the guessing that government is only wayanging to deceive the residents for the sake of GE. Failing the expectation will also let WP to seize the opportunity to repel and mock the government for lacking of integrity and trust when dealing with public. I really hope that the day will ever come cos I believe the PAP can still delivers. 



2015-02-05 15:08

so now what ? What is happening next ?



2015-02-06 04:02

now is the waiting game, the government is standing on side waiting for the others to make a move, the residents are waiting for the government and EPL to make a move, EPL is waiting for the government and residents to make a move....that is what is happending now...



2015-02-11 05:14

WP cannot manage their financial, PAP dun know whether can deliver their promises.... sighs..... who to vote then?



2015-02-11 07:56

Found this in the fernvale lea facebook:

I am the research writer for a brand new Channel U talk show "What Do You Say?"( programme name to be confirmed). We would like to invite some Seng Kang West Fernvale Lea residents(mandarin speakers) to be the audiences (or maybe guest) in our Talk Show, to express their point of view towards the development of a columbarium at neighbourhood area.
This is a brand new talk show under preparation right now. We will have different topics for different episodes including government policies, neighbour disputes, family issues, current affairs etc. The programme will be hosted by Danny Yeo and Kate Pang in Mandarin.
There will be other audiences and guests from different background to participate in the programme too. Filming of the related episode will be on 10th March 6pm to 9pm. A token will be given to the participants as transportation fee.
We hope residents of Fernvale Lea can come and let Singaporean knows your thoughts.
It would be great if there can be around 8 to 10 participants from SengKang. Please let me know if any of them are interested to come.
My contact information are as follows:
HP: 82330852
Clare Tsoi
Research Writer
Chinese Entertainment Productions
MediaCorp Productions



2015-02-15 17:32

what next? no one seem to act neither?

This post has been removed by its writer (Show details)

2015-02-16 01:36

Choose a nickname

#618 Re:

2015-02-16 04:52

#616: -  

 Waiting games....but won't be long. The land can't be empty for too long. Ministers reprimanded WP for lapses and said it was unlawful....hope they dun forget the columbraium incident which occurred also due to negligence by HDB and URA. Better resolve it soon or else is the pot calling  the kettle black....



2015-02-20 10:23

Hi, everybody...Happy New Year to all...

BTW does anyone had any update of the above ?


#620 one word

2015-02-23 11:51

Looks like MP Lam has got himself in trouble with the law

Check out this post on TRS: 


Why can't he just shut up and focus on the columbarium issue? 



2015-05-08 06:39

Dear residents,


Don't be too happy yet even though a mutual agreement of termination has been signed.


Your estate will never be fully safe from the pro-business vulture watch of forked tongue snakes like Lam Par Min.


It is time you force him out of office by insisting on a by election since he has proven beyond doubt to have sold away the interests of the residents right at the beginning.

Please also render your support to freeing the voices of the Singaporeans who spoke up for us on other issues.


#624 A:

2017-01-23 09:31