Michael Jackson fans unite against some tracks from the new "Michael" album

weli Manga

#1701 non

2010-12-10 21:18

je refuse que l'on se moque de Michael Jackson ainsi on sent clairement que c'est une imitation donc....laisser le reposer en paix
tony adam


2010-12-10 22:09

Pitoyable de voir comment l'art de michael est anéantis par des gens cupides
Letellier Mickael

#1703 Nothing

2010-12-10 22:40

Aucune chanson, aucun album ne devrait sortir sans l'accord ni la finition artistique de michael.
Vous l'avez sali vivant, laisse le en paix désormais.


2010-12-10 22:49

The man is dead but the artist still lives ? That's bullshit, leave the poor man alone and stop believing we'll buy this bloody new album !
RosaM Espinosa

#1705 fuera el pachangueo

2010-12-11 13:09

Existen ciertas canciones que pueden ser de Michael pero la 1º que lanzaron es estrepitosamente pachanguera y nada tiene que ver con el estilo del REY.
Si es popr dinero, que se pudran
Sophie Bourgin


2010-12-11 14:06

I hate fake people, fake stuff, all that is fake and I love our genuine Michael Jackson
wloka valenin


2010-12-11 16:33

je suis fane de jackson depuis mes 5 ans et je voudrais quont m'assue que les chansons de ce dernier album soit vraiment le fruit de sont geni et non pas un pale sosie vocale
manier mickael


2010-12-11 17:04

respect pour l'oeuvre de michael jackson

pas de fake s'il vous plais

#1709 MJ FOREVER !

2010-12-11 17:08

Michael Jackson !! Revolution !!


2010-12-11 17:15

#1707: wloka valenin -  

Fake-French-"Fans", do not buy the album, because you do not deserve MICHAEL. There are millions of REAL Michael's FANS who WILL make MICHAEL the #1.    It's funny and stupid that you're still going at it.  How PATHETIC!!!!!!!!!!!

Kélian BAERT

#1711 Non

2010-12-11 18:03

Mais laissez le en paix !!! Sortir des musiques inédits, oui, mais des musiques meme pas de lui ...
Margot Desplanches

#1712 MJ 4ever

2010-12-11 19:17

Ally Johnston


2010-12-11 19:35

I have heard some of the songs and I know some on the album are Michael but there are quite a few that are not. They have plenty of unreleased tracks they can put on their that are purely Michael.
Teewhy Nyema

#1714 Stop Embarrassing a Legend.

2010-12-11 19:40

We all know that some of those songs are not even sung by him. It's a Gimmick.
Michael Fermé


2010-12-11 22:02

As All Fans, I want a album with a real Michael's song with his voice.
Michael F.

PS: Excuse me for my english ;)
anh isabelle le vanbach


2010-12-12 01:00

respecter le magnifique artiste michael jackson pour son amour des gens.
veronique juteau


2010-12-12 01:48

cet album est un manque de respectr envers MJ

#1718 MJ was a genious and a perfectionist

2010-12-12 02:00

Sony can't sell an album so bad. In this "Michael" album, we have so much bad tracks... please respect the King, he was the best and he always respected his fans.
If Sony continues this way, I and other fans will only "download" the tracks that we feel like "real" ones. This new album "Michael" is composed with, at least, 3 fake tracks and only 4 others tracks are good for an MJ album.
I can't wait 7 years to have a real album composed with 3-5 tracks taken from your 7 albums full of sh*t!
Bad, Thriller, Dangerous was only composed with hits... it's certainly not the case with this last one.

RIP MJ, we miss you, you are still the best.
Even with this mess'!

-------- En français : soyons sérieux, cet album est, au moins, à moitié rempli de bouses. En vérité, qu'elles soient fausses ou pas, ne m'importe peu. MJ est et restera un génie. Je suis fan depuis la 1ere heure et je ne comprends pas qu'on puisse sortir un album composé de seulement 4 titres valables (Keep your head up, Best of Joy, Behind the mask et Much too soon). Michael, même à son plus bas niveau avait + de "tubes" dans ses albums. Je sens que SONY veut nous la faire "à l'envers" et nous sortiras les "tueries" au compte-gouttes! Pourquoi acheter un album plein de m***** dont certains ne semblent même pas chantées par notre KING?... J'ai acheté plus d'une fois chacun des albums de MJ mais celui-ci ne sera pas pour moi. "Too bad"!


#1719 I've listened to the album!

2010-12-12 07:33

Look, I've listened to this album OVER 30 times. It's MICHAEL. No question. Michael had a very versatile voice. Listen to the Invincible album alone. "Break of Dawn" and "2000 Watts" don't sound like the same person, but they ARE. Did you question those? I don't think so. So why question these? Becuase Michael's dead? Yeah, well so was TuPac, but he continued to release stuff too. And we all know Michael has a ton of unreleased songs, and there's more that aren't even on here!

If you still don't believe me, listen to Monster from his new album, and then immediatley after listen to Speechless. That coincidentally happened to me when I put my iPod on shuffle, and they are CLEARLY the same person.

you can listen to the album here:


Ray Torres

#1720 This Album is "ok"

2010-12-12 08:00

This album is ok, however, where is the voice of Michael Jackson on track #7 (Breaking News)?? It's insulting to even think that the fans wouldn't know the voice. It's too deep. There's a lot of sound bites from other songs.. And for a faster song on the track.. Where is the explosive of emotions that is Michael's signature to most faster songs?? To hide it in the middle of an album like no one would take notice is dispicable... Real MJ fans notice that sort of thing.. A lot of the songs are too short for michael's taste. I believe that the other Jackson brothers should have a string hand in producting future albums. They have song with thier brother for over 45 yrs and they should know how he likes it. Just as they did with the song " this is it".. Hold my hand is a great sing, should be #1 this year. But we'll see as far as the rest of the album.. Serve Michael memory justice and do what's right in the future.. Be perfectionist as Michael was..
Emmanuel Nwanevu

#1721 New album

2010-12-12 08:26

Thats not cute to add any song that is not of michael.

#1722 Re: This Album is "ok"

2010-12-12 09:06

#1720: Ray Torres - This Album is "ok" 

 Too deep? Have you listened to the Invincible CD lately?

djlucaprod djlucaprod

#1723 Abus ou pas

2010-12-12 10:56

Toute personne qui a ecouté ou ecoute encore mj,rescent des sensations,effectivement sur certain titres,le doute règne !!!! les machines numeriques,y sont pour quelques chose !!!
la rechnique de chant,tremolo de mj et tres particulier,a moins que mj a voulu changer sa technique pour inové ?
Nancy Blaise

#1724 Signed For Michael

2010-12-12 11:18

Justice must be done to Michael, so he could stay in peace for eternity. Michael Jackson deserves because it is the greatest human of all time and nobody can replace him.


2010-12-12 13:51

J'espère que les vrais fans n'achèteront jamais ce CD qui est un hommage honteux pour le chanteur. Nous en avons assez des imitations, très douteuses, à mon avis. Les maisons de disques devraient savoir que M.J. reste inimitable et sera toujours le roi de la pop. En ce qui me concerne je suis fan depuis 30 ans et je n'accepte pas tout ce commerce de fric sur le dos d'un disparu<. Moralité, N'ACHETEZ JAMAIS DE CD. Je compte sur les vrais fans.